Some people...

Just had a game where there were 2 people left, had to slug to get 4k. The downed person went afk so I carried them around the map looking for the last survivor... it took 10-15 to find them. Most boring game of my life.

Then guess what!

They said they recorded and will put it on the forums. They didn't even say what I did wrong and didn't answer my questions about it... some people I guess


  • Venoxxie
    Venoxxie Member Posts: 300

    That makes no sense. I wish they had explained because I want their side honestly. I'm curious, it's not like that's a bannable offense. So what is their issue? Most killers slug for the 4k and it's not wrong to do so.

    And if you wanna carry someone who is refusing to crawl away or wiggle, that's your choice and their fault.

  • Yamaoka
    Yamaoka Member Posts: 4,321

    2 dcs, a killer carrying around the 3rd survivor looking for the 4th survivor for 15 minutes... You know what this sounds like, don't you?

  • Entity_Burger
    Entity_Burger Member Posts: 126

    If you used your eyes and read his story, and your brain and realized no Killer can carry a Survivor for 15 minutes unless the Survivor LETS them, you'd realize your post is completely wrong.

    ..Or you can attack the OP for no reason and look very silly. I mean, he could in no way be at fault unless you ignore every fact in his post, but sure; he was being toxic because he was a Killer. Continue your 'Survivors are victims' attempt.

  • S_Panda
    S_Panda Member Posts: 539

    In this case it sounds like they'd really need it for even a safety pip, nevermind bbq stacks if they were running it...

  • Venoxxie
    Venoxxie Member Posts: 300

    They could have wiggled out you know. If they choose not to, who is at fault? If they had wiggled he'd of probably just hooked them instead of carrying them.

    I like to call it the "Survivor Rulebook Believer" rather than survivors are victims attempt.

    One of the primary rules are the killers cannot play the game and must let the survivors win. Remember, everything has to go the way they want it or else killers are toxic. And the way they want it is a farming match every round.

  • Rivyn
    Rivyn Member Posts: 3,022

    Did you wake up on the wrong side of the bed? Stubbed your toe? No coffee this morning? Mom yell at you? Why so hostile?

    I know what happened, at least from what OP says. So what if somebody went afk while downed? Just leave him, let him bleed out, and the match can end much sooner. If you're so sweaty for a 4k that you literally carry an afk around for 15 minutes looking for one survivor, that comes off as toxic. Or tryhard. Maybe both? Either way, why come here to complain about something they had the power to end in another way?

  • YeetoDorito
    YeetoDorito Member Posts: 55
    edited November 2019

    In my experiences with dedicated servers and hatches, survivors jump through the hatch when I close it, so I didn't want to risk that.

    After circling the map twice and checking behind many walls/loop I did hook the player and looked for the hatch, which i found and closed safely. After 5 mins I then found the survivor, they were by the corner of the map and didn't attempt to unlock any gate.

    I didn't put too much detail into the timings and how it played out (sorry).

    As for Rivyn,

    I get blood points and points to rank up for hooking people in case you didn't know. I need bloodpoints for my killers and I get double for this event so why would I let him bleed out? (You wouldn't)

    The 4k would give more blood points as well as I would get another kill so i'd rather go for that. I didn't expect the game to go on that long or i would have killed the survivor sooner and let the last ecsape...

    map was blood lodge

  • Rex_Huin
    Rex_Huin Member Posts: 1,208

    Someone once sent me a nasty message on PS4 saying they would get me banned.

    I repeated part of it on here whilst trying to self censor the worst of it.

    Of course I didn't get a ban on PS4 but I did get a forum warning on here so in a funny way they succeeded....

  • FearlessHunter
    FearlessHunter Member Posts: 530

    Yesterday I played a game after a 2 week break. Barley managed to win the match and in the endgame chat one of the survivors called me trash and that I sucked so hard. Then he said he had reported me and was in possession of my IP address. Then he said I was going to get banned and then left the chat. It's people like this why I can't enjoy games anymore.

  • FrenziedRoach
    FrenziedRoach Member Posts: 2,600

    Eh, that's okay. I got lucky and got The Game as ghostface. After I killed 1, the other 3 decided to waste 15 or 20 minutes of time playing hide and seek instead of doing the gens.

    I double pipped from that because I did eventually track them all down and destroy them, so no ######### were given.