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Tea bagging and toxic behaviour

SmellyCat Member Posts: 46
edited November 2019 in General Discussions

Edit: people just focused on whatever they wanted about my message and come just to tell grow up, git gud, etc. Maybe you shouldn't be teaching others lessons.

Resume: I killed everyone after someone mocked me the entire match, bcs i didn't surrender or dc


after getting hard mocked (that is what made me not wanting to play killer for a long time)

I still think we can enjoy this game without doing that, you can loop without being rude.

Post edited by SmellyCat on


  • AGuyNamedKane
    AGuyNamedKane Member Posts: 71

    Wow. Those were some really, REALLY bad survivors.

  • Fickta
    Fickta Member Posts: 41

    I don’t t-bag when I’m survivor bc it’s just... idk tasteless and sucks for the person who’s playing solo against a team, plus I main hag and plague so I know how it feels. Hopefully you can get some decent survivors who won’t do that but people like their gloating and forget there’s a person on the other side.

  • vossler25
    vossler25 Member Posts: 416

    What's toxic about giving a killer an easier chase?

    Those that teabag at pallets etc waste a few moments that if used right as a killer be the very reason they are now hooked, best one as a bag, I lured towards a pallet, although I think they also was aiming for that one anyway, they hit me, teabag, I placed trap, they still continued, then I went around, the first trap I set, which was on the side they teabagged at, I got a free hit, they went to pallet senpai (other sign was set behind a wall they moved whilst I was setting it) moved towards my trap and boom, dying, over a teabag, does this work often... unfortunately not as much as I like for the dying part but the free hit, if set right, more often than I thought, and does quickly end up being the reason they are dying after cause they couldn't survive a hit from a simple mistake or from another point I set up, I don't actively look for those spots, I do patrol to gens and place a sign where it looks useful, and try to lead survivors to them

  • vossler25
    vossler25 Member Posts: 416

    Oh and nice job on the recovery, that stuff always feel good

  • BenZ0
    BenZ0 Member Posts: 4,125

    I only teabagg if the Killer is really toxic aswell, that means "Instantly tunneling of the hook for no reason with 5-4 gens still up" or other things like that.

  • harry14141414
    harry14141414 Member Posts: 356

    you actually started a discussion just to complain about being teabagged?

  • Rivyn
    Rivyn Member Posts: 3,022

    She was able to loop you for three gens, and they still lost? Damn. . .

  • wannabeuk
    wannabeuk Member Posts: 135

    What gets me is the need, almost like a compulsion of survivors to wait at the exit gate and t-bag and flashlight click no matter how the game as gone, it's the same as those who will wait until you spot them at the hatch before jumping in, I'll never understand the need to waste your own time like that.

    I've taken to standing near the exit gate and going "afk" the number of survivors who come back out to run around you is insane and every so often one of them ######### up and i get an extra kill.

    also nothing better than having that survivor vault and start t-bagging forgetting your a huntress :D

  • SmellyCat
    SmellyCat Member Posts: 46

    I wasn't even crying if you read the post.

    yeah, I'm not so good at being killer, recently started to play it (Never wanted to play it, it made me feel like i'm absolutely so bad in the past)

    So I just did the post because sometimes people can be so rude to you and you can still get a good result, and that there's no need to be that toxic

  • SmellyCat
    SmellyCat Member Posts: 46

    It's just that i pretty much play only the pig and i'm not so good as killer (though i'm practicing a lot) so as i'm progressing through ranks, it's easyer to get an "skilled" survivor that will make me loss time, and i dont care about that, you have to lose sometimes.

    It's the mocking. as someone said, I never do it unless he's been tunneling and you still escape

  • Dr_Loomis
    Dr_Loomis Member Posts: 3,703

    I love games like this. Those little legends who constantly pallet drop/teabag, pallet drop/teabag...and then when you get them...they're confused and outraged to why they get taken to Tunnelsville.

  • harry14141414
    harry14141414 Member Posts: 356

    I don't think I said you were crying

    I asked a simple straight question. anyways I think you confused me with another reply

  • SmellyCat
    SmellyCat Member Posts: 46

    No, I did not open the discussion to complain about teabagging (better answer?)

    That wasn't the idea of the post

  • TunnelVision
    TunnelVision Member Posts: 1,375

    Funnily enough that's what public forums allow us to do!

    Just like people crying about moris ;) ;)

  • KuromiStarwind
    KuromiStarwind Member Posts: 325
    edited November 2019

    You know, I remember teabagging in Halo 3 when I used to play it back in the day. While it made me annoyed sometimes, and other times it made me laugh, one thing was certain: you just had to suck it up and accept it.

    I don't condone toxic behavior in post-game chat, and it should absolutely be punished. I think that you could punish people for being toxic in game as well.

    The reality of this game is it doesn't punish you at all for toxic behavior. Teabagging, sitting on the hatch for 10 minutes until the killer comes close so you can leap in infront of them, saying rude things in post-game, DISCONNECTING. There are so many things in this game that the devs do not address, going to far as to even say "it's fine to disconnect". That is why this game is as toxic as it is, because even the devs condone it, and do nothing about it, even now that they have dedicated servers. I have never, ever, seen a single game in my entire life, where the devs have the attitude of not punishing people FOR ANYTHING, and then defend both that attitude themselves and the selfish attitude that people who make excuses for punishing said behavior on these forums because "reasons". Even their report system is most likely a complete joke. It's all a big joke, really :)

    If we just sit around, making excuses for why we can't punish people, nothing will ever change. Sadly, that's what a ton of people want, because a ton of people want to not be punished for being little boys who never learned to suck it up

  • vossler25
    vossler25 Member Posts: 416

    Again, mocking is the best thing a survivor can do for me as a killer, it makes getting them much easier, so they can mock away I'll laugh in victory and salty messages from them, I main pig myself, she actually is even better for it, as that ambush with John's medical file and video tape, break pallet in crouch then ambush, 6/10 times it's a free hit but 10/10 you close the gap drastically and get them shortly after, so it's big win or win no real loss and both are common so it's fine to put dependence on it as you'll see alot of it in bloodweb if you do happen to not have those then bag of gears and box of gears should help get that edge for late game, but no good for chase, and you'll just have to be happy you at least get to be closer to them than someone that just runs

  • justarandy
    justarandy Member Posts: 1,711

    I mean it worked. Tea bagging is some kind if tactic to tilt you (tilt = more mistakes) and/or to get your full attention. And you chased her for 4 gens in total.

    I do that by myself. Call me toxic or whatever, but it's the only chance for my team to survive. I usually get full potatoes which get downed within 30 seconds of the game by a wraith, so I HAVE to get chased for several minutes.

  • vossler25
    vossler25 Member Posts: 416
  • SmellyCat
    SmellyCat Member Posts: 46

    yeah, i've been quite doubtfoul about what addons to use, i usually carry more traps and then decide on what second addond id like to use

  • SmellyCat
    SmellyCat Member Posts: 46

    You can stay still and not be toxic (mocking) yet winning time. I have a couple of friends that do that and we end up winning most of the time, atleast us, we can't allways protect other survivors XD.

    I can see your point, i don't justify the attitude tho

  • wannabeuk
    wannabeuk Member Posts: 135

    Dosn't always work. The number of times someone has stood 10 feet from me t-bagging and clicking flashlights and my first thought it "What do they want to distract me from" and a quick glance round shows someone crouch next to me in a corner. and a number of times i've checked the nearest cab and found someone inside. If they had just kept running i would never have found their team mate.

  • vossler25
    vossler25 Member Posts: 416

    Well I hope the add on combo I said helps, let me know if it helps you as it helped me against the t-bag, I also think unrelenting and save the best for last helps with ambush as I think it still counts as main weapon, I think, not actually tested for some reason, I know mad grit and STBFL works well Vs hook block, becomes very funny when they rage over not being able to get free and the 2 rapid hits, but if relentless does affect ambush, it would be an ultra chase combo, quick cooldown and long dash attacks (pig ambush has the lunge attack movement speed for 2 seconds instead of 0.7 standard if cooldowns does work this could make chases much much quicker)

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,434

    Welcome to DBD where T Bags are apparently an insult and exhaustion hatchets are considered toxic.

    Seriously though, they probably weren’t even playing serious. When they T Bag, you have a choice stoop to their level or just play like normal and get your points.

    I have t bagged before because someone was being tunneled to death and it got the attention of that killer.

  • SmellyCat
    SmellyCat Member Posts: 46

    That's what i did, despite they were clearly playing in team, only one mocked me so I tunneled her and didn't with the others.

    I don't usually tunnel( rarely), but it happened to me sometimes that i go back to a hook and instead of founding the guy that has done the rescue (unhook) i find the other one nearby. I usually go for the other guy bcs, in order to be good or to get points you don't need to kill everyone (or to escape all matches if u're survivor).

    I rarely get flamed tbh

  • Dwight_Fairfield
    Dwight_Fairfield Member Posts: 7,154

    I rarely have a killer match where I don't see one teabagging survivor. Either in chase or waiting at hatch/exit gate.

  • Cayde1342
    Cayde1342 Member Posts: 96

    Great, 10/10 amazing. People can't ######### about killers tunneling when they teabag.

  • lynelmane
    lynelmane Member Posts: 549

    when someone is especially annoying to me when I play pig, as soon as I down them I teabag them right back. I also do it when they're dying on the hook. Gives me some satisfaction.

  • meatisadelicacy
    meatisadelicacy Member Posts: 1,920

    Like killers don't facecamp and repeatedly smack the person on the hook?

    Why let it bother you so much? If it upsets you so much to be teabagged, did you consider chasing another survivor who might not? Sounds to me like you gave that survivor exactly what she wanted.

    I also think people "teabag" because there's no other way to emote in this game apart from pointing. I guarantee some people are triggered by that too.

    She teabagged, you punished her for her "unacceptable" behavior, so what's the problem? Why did you feel the need to make a post about this? Brag that you got the 4K? Or are you still upset because you think she was making fun of you by teabagging?

  • eeevelyne
    eeevelyne Member Posts: 19
    edited November 2019

    I wonder what it is that makes people think everything in this game is a personal affront against them. You play the game, you get invested, you try to perform good... yet you get mocked. It's bad sportsmanship I get it. But those teabagging people do not know you in person and can't direct their bad manners at you. They teabag at one of a thousand killers, not you personally. It doesn't harm you if you don't let it. It's just a video game. Your honor as a real life person isn't affected by this.

    Here a little fortune cookie: "Holding onto anger is like drinking poison and expect others to die from it"

    If you react to teabagging you give them what they want. A reaction.

  • SmellyCat
    SmellyCat Member Posts: 46

    Clearly you ^ read and understood whatever you wanted.

  • SmellyCat
    SmellyCat Member Posts: 46

    Jesus... seems a lot of people gets annoyed cause I made this post. If it annoys you why do you bother writing on it?

    I'mma ignore this post for good. I just wanted to discuss something in a friendly maner, not to cry and specially not to be given lessons.

    I can assure you I don't get tilted easyly

  • Scytere
    Scytere Member Posts: 123

    The quality of posts nowadays seems to me is just complaining after complaining with no substance. Just stop playing if you can't handle it. Don't come here whining about "they do this" or "they did that to me". Grow up will tou.?

  • SmellyCat
    SmellyCat Member Posts: 46
    edited November 2019
  • concious_consumer
    concious_consumer Member Posts: 282

    Ye especially when they get hit thru pallet or 2 miles after vaulting. Takes so much skill on the killer side kekw

  • Artyomich
    Artyomich Member Posts: 281

    Either mute chat or say gg then disconnect. Oh no T-bags, My feelings I can never recover.

  • meatisadelicacy
    meatisadelicacy Member Posts: 1,920

    Sometimes I wait at the gate because I don't know if everyone is out, and I'm trying to buy them time if the killer is with me or go make the save if they need it. I am the kind of person who plays a multiplayer game and cares about my teammates. Sometimes I wait to check for NOED, again to help my teammates. And sometimes, shockingly, I wait to let a killer who has played well hit me out to give them even more points. Not everyone is toxic, even if you're interpreting it that way.

  • meatisadelicacy
    meatisadelicacy Member Posts: 1,920

    I'm not annoyed. You clearly are very easily tilted because you not only made this post but can't even read people's responses to it.