Make Mettle of Man great again!

Just reduce the number of Protection Hits to 2, that is all I ask Behavior. It doesn't break the game and it wouldn't immediately become meta I promise you.
I love the idea of using it more than once, but as of yet I haven't been able to do that. Test it on a PTB if you must, just plus think about the idea. Pretty sure people overreact to it breaking the game if it was usable again. Thank you.
Kinda like that idea. And a fix to protection hits of course.
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I wouldn't be against this idea personally, this sounds like it would give the perk more viability and not something you just put on for a meme build.
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Nah screw MoM.
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Mettle is supposed to be something difficult to get off. Because if you don't remember, when it was easy to get off it was gamebreaking. Second chances like that should be difficult to get, not that any of them ever are. We got insta heals out of the way at least.
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Mettle of man should be at least useable
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@Auron471 What does Legion have to do with Mettle ?
Absolutely Nothing.
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As a player who always uses Mettle of Man, I like this idea. Tbh, it's always the third hit I have trouble with, because the killer acts very weird from that point.
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It is useable. It promotes altruism and rewards you with an uncounterable second chance.
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Please, no.
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I don't know if any of you know this but this latest patch they increased the amount of times you can use it by 1 making you use it twice. They said this was STEP 1 of their eventual fix of this perk, they're planning on fixing this perk but it sounds like they have to introduce some other things into the game first before they can do it. Help is on the way and I hope it gets here with the next Chapter because I love Ash but I will not pay money for him if most if not all his perks are useless.
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but it's near impossible to get try using mettle of man
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I have. It's hard but not impossible, as it should be considering how much of a game changer it is
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How about we fix protection hits first?
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MoM should be able to activate after two safe unhooks.
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Once again, no. The ability to ignore a hit is just too strong. 2 protection hits would be too easy to get and make the perk meta again wich would screw the weaker killers the most.
Mettle of Man is too powerfull to be allowed to be reliable.
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After that braindead op Mettle of Man, I am pretty happy to see that perk so destroyed such as Legion.
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The problem isn't with the number of hits you need to take the problem is with protection hits in general until they fix that it will always be a perk not worth running
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MoM shouldn’t exist in the first place. It should be reworked.