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  • DaGreenBolt
    DaGreenBolt Member Posts: 453

    Have you not seen seen the legion nerf, pig nerfs (Pig received 3 nerfs ever since EGC came out), and now the nurse nerf and micheal myers nerf. Killers have been nerfed more than survivors recently.

  • harry14141414
    harry14141414 Member Posts: 356

    Adrenaline is OP? its an end game perk. do you play dbd regularly or are you like a casual gamer with 10 hours total?

    adrenaline you have to survive the whole match to use it

    a mori can be used within the first minute of the game ( hook, proxy tunnel mori dang )

    keys??? you gotta do certain amount of gens before being able to see the hatch aaand killers can see you holding a key they can just dodge the lobby

    toolboxes are OP ? franklins demise baby? or just avoid the lobby?

  • harry14141414
    harry14141414 Member Posts: 356

    Myers nerf?? oh how often would you grab a survivors in rank 1 while moving at tier 1 myers pace?

    you really call that a nerf?

    pigs thing is more like logic not a nerf.. it is not logical to leave her the way she was after the EGC

    and speaking of EGC.. that's a huge advantage for killers in the first place

  • harry14141414
    harry14141414 Member Posts: 356

    that does not justify immature behaviour and using words like rubbish and d@mbass

    you really out here complaining about flashlights LUL

    Ok I get it now, I know what type of killer main you are then :D


  • harry14141414
    harry14141414 Member Posts: 356

    well sorry to break it down for you, but its not JUST YOU!

    almost any of us gets a 4k ALMOST every game in its current killer/survivor balance state

  • harry14141414
    harry14141414 Member Posts: 356
    edited November 2019

    its so funny killer mains come in this thread complain about how OP survivors are and when you discuss them you end up getting this from them : " I get 4k almost every game as killer " .


  • TheKingOfAll
    TheKingOfAll Member Posts: 73

    The reason survivors are “always getting nerfed” is because the game was always survivor favored. If you don’t believe me, watch TrU3Ta1ent’s video on the state of the game originally. Things have always been survivor sided, with a few exceptions like the old pink moris.

    I think moris are fine after their nerf awhile back. The old ebony Mori was op. But the way they are right now is fine. You can’t just nerf/remove every single thing in the game. Some things do need to be fixed, but the game has improved a lot balancewise since it came out, and that’s just a fact

  • harry14141414
    harry14141414 Member Posts: 356

    no I don't need to watch a streamer who uses self care in the corners of a map. I don't even think hes good enough

    but youre right survivors were OP back then and Im glad you used the past tense

    Moris are just as the old BNP, unfair and overly powered and I don't agree with you on moris are fine the way they are

  • Micheal_Myers
    Micheal_Myers Member Posts: 1,147

    @harry14141414 if you haven't please read my comments above.

    Since they help explain why Moris are a thing. If you have any questions based on my comments reply by tagging this comment.

  • KnifeaToMeetYaXD
    KnifeaToMeetYaXD Member Posts: 66
    edited November 2019

    I need to comment at this point:

    1. This game is NOT killer favored. Survivors have had the power in several aspects since the games release. Insane loops, Infinites, ridiculously strong perks, insane gen speeds, you name it.

    2. Moris are nowhere near as strong as the old BNPs. Instantly completing a gen for simply touching it and causing the game to be 20% over, is nowhere near as strong as getting a somewhat early kill. The survivor can still loop and waste time. BNP? Well there goes a gen, and another, and another.

    3. Instaheals were complete nonsense. Getting 1 additional hit in a chase and stretching out a chase is a major waste of time. Spending at least 30+ seconds chasing a survivor and then another one insta-healing and getting rid of that work is stupid. Not to mention survivors can have 4 of them.

    4. Old perks like DS getting nerfed was long overdue. Getting off the killers shoulder for hitting a skill check and giving you essentially a 4th hook was stupid. Yet again, all 4 survivors can have this.

    5. "A streamer who uses self care in the corner of the map." Tru3 doesn't even use self care unless it was a requested build, and even then, he doesn't heal in corners of the map. He will stay injured or have someone else heal him.

    Your entire thread is a fruitless post from an uneducated player merely thinking about your side and nothing else. Nothing you ask for will be implemented and it's for the better. All of your illogical demands thinking you know what's best is delusional. Play at a rank above 15 or watch some gameplay and you will see survivors are not cut short in the power department. Research before you start acting like you're side is getting needlessly nerfed. And think about this. Who is the power role in the game? Who is doing a 1v4? Who has to outplay 4 players simultaneously? Who can't make 1 mistake of 3 gens will activate? If you still think you have a base to stand on, I'd love to hear what senseless logic you can think of next.

    Post edited by Rizzo on
  • Schmiddy21
    Schmiddy21 Member Posts: 52

    Just make a 2v8 then all is done.

  • harry14141414
    harry14141414 Member Posts: 356
    edited November 2019

    you better talk a bit more polite next time if you want a reply.

    youre so angry and mad and Im allergic to that

    Im rank 1 since 2016

    I did not confirm its a killer sided game it was a question

    dont call me uneducated or come disrespect me calling my post lies- fruitless - or even logic free or BS or whatever else you said

    your account is new so I dont even wodner what happened to the old one.. but apparently you didn't learn from the first one I guess

  • MrsGhostface
    MrsGhostface Member Posts: 987

    No one focuses on how op some killer add ons are haha, I’m a killer main and I’ll admit it. I’d say worry about those more than moris.

  • KnifeaToMeetYaXD
    KnifeaToMeetYaXD Member Posts: 66

    I got my reply as you directly talked to me so thanks! ;) If you're really a rank 1 since 2016, you should know these problems but clearly you don't. It's likely you got carried by Pre-patch DS, SWF, instaheals and more! Because of this, I do think you're uneducated and your post IS fruitless as nothing you've said has gotten attention from anyone on the dev team! This is also my first account and no I haven't been banned. I haven't been using the forums, despite the fact I've been playing for a while. But it seems to me YOU did get banned so I hope you learn from that! :)

  • Marigoria
    Marigoria Member Posts: 6,090

    Lol at what rank? 20? This is not even a believable lie.

  • Marigoria
    Marigoria Member Posts: 6,090

    If you can only get a 4k with a help of moris I think you need to practice more as killer. Of course you won't be getting a 4k every match, but never getting a 4k without a mori, isn't great.