What kind of player are you most of the games? Survivors

You know, even though we adapt depending on the situation, we have a "main gamestyle", which one is yours?
A) Team player: I'll heal you, I'll take a hit for you, I'll take the killer off you, I'll 99% the doors and try to save us all.
B) Lone wolf: You can do as you please, but I'm sticking to my life no matter what, y'all can die if that gives me an escape
C) The mocker: Hahahaha, stunned by pallet. Hahahaha, looped for 3 gens. Hahahaha, you fell through the floor
D) The hero: It doesn't matter if I die, no one apart from me is dying tonight! If you're hooked and NOED is active either we both live or we go down together!
E) Blendette main: You'll never know where I am... I am one with nature, I'm a bush and a locker, I'm unspottable...
F) Sandbagger: I ain't dying, you are!
G) Other
I am a "The Hero" player to be honest, I just don't like leaving people behind even if that means I'm dying but you're not
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I'd say I'm a team player. Always run Borrowed Time and make sure if the killer is coming back to the person I unhook, I get their attention to let my teammate get away to get healed up. I'm not a very good player, but I try my best. I always call it a win when I can die so others can escape.
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I am the guy who trys to play the hero, until my team ######### me over by leaving me to die from 1 hook. Thanks rando's, this is why I SWF.
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im more of the gen jockey. I run solo most of the time and no one but me is working on gens, so I have to make sure they get popped. Game is over if im found first lol
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I play what I describe as an "aggressive stealth" play style.
You won't catch me running Self-Care or hiding in the corner. I try to stay clear of the killer's radius, I stick to gens like glue (even gens where someone else is getting chased in my line of sight), I cleanse totems (and I don't immediately freak out when Ruin is in play), and I always go for hook saves when the killer isn't camping.
I'm not great at chases, but I can loop OK depending on where I am.
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OMG! I adore when people know how to commit to a gen, I've seen lots of games where we were about 90% on last gen and a guy left cause killer was close and we didn't complete the gen cause he didn't commit, I got it to 98% but it didn't pop and the killer smacked it with pop goes the weasel... COME ON PEOPLE! DON'T BE AFRAID! TAKE A HIT FOR THE TEAM FFS! If he commited the gen would've been done and the killer might have had gotten one of us, but cause of the not commiting he got a 2k or more...
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i am usually what is considered the "Gen Jockey".
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There is a polls option now... Hit the down arrow next to 'New Discussion'.
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So... you're one of the most hated survivors by survivors
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@MisterCremaster Yep, disabled for General discussions, cause we can't have a discussion with a poll in it... And I'm sorry to say this community "mains" "General Discussions", posts get more views here so... I have lots of polls made BTW, but if I want to know people's thoughts I post in GD
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Team player, hero, gen jockey, and looper. I do anything that will help the team and or make the killer hate me
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I am 'The Hero', like it or not. I am usually going back to that, even if I'm just a gen jockey. I slowly go back to be the Hero. I don't like leaving people behind.
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I'm the type of player that does 2 or 3 gens, doesn't see the killer, doesn't save anyone, and wonders why they didn't pip.
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Fair argument if on solo, I get you
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Team Player and hero I guess. Depends also on the team, if there are sandbaggers or people that screwed me over before on purpose, I probably won't help them.
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The Blendette description made me laugh way too much.
I'd say I'm a mix of Team Player and Lone Wolf. I'll help you out and try to keep everyone alive. But I'm not going to be stupid about it.
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That's actually pretty close to my play style.
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yep, as a "hero" I have to admit there were lots of times where I knew it was a bad idea but still tried... I don't know, I really don't like leaving people behind even if that gets me killed...
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A mixture of B, C, and D. I will never act toxic towards a killer but I'll certainly make remarks about them to myself. Usually I'm "The Hero" in the sense that I'd rather die than make my teammates take the chance to save me and end up getting killed themselves. Finally, if we're the last 2 survivors, there's more than 1 gen left to repair, and you get hooked before I do, I'm not saving you.
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So do I. I generally don't mind dying to get someone else out. It's when I know I can't get them out that I walk away.
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Not even if it's my first hook and you have BT?!
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I......might make an exception I guess 😒
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Heh, if a gen is really close, and the killer is on top of me, I'll take a hit and then finish the gen during his recovery animation. I'll almost always jump on the grenade to get a gen finished if it comes down to that.
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Happens to me nearly every match unless I'm playing SWF. So frustrating sometimes. Love teammates that are too afraid of getting hooked once or twice a match.
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Such a struggle. I envy 4 man SWF because it must be easy ?
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H) a regular player
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I just do generators.
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I try to bodyblock and take hits even if it means I'll die 5 seconds later
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I stick to myself unless my team needs me. In which case I'll do what I can to help. I'm most at home digging though chests and being chased.
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I did all 5 gens opened a door and took the killers attention for 3 to escape and died in 1 hook... im a bit of team player/hero constantly ill heal anyone if i see them and they want me to. Dont mind taking hits and going down or being chased. If the killer is really bad though i do become a little bit of the tbagging type i play both sides though so i tend to try not tbag except at other survivors as a hello because i know how annoying it can be if a whole team is doing it and i happen to not be playing well first game on or something yanno xD
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I'm a Team Player when I bring a build that benefits from having other players around, like Prove Thyself or Borrowed Time.
I'm a Lone Wolf when I want to play with a stealth build, hiding around and letting my teammates take the hits while I continue working on a generator alone.
And I'm the Hero when no one else does ######### generators and I want some bloodpoints for my trouble.
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I'm either doing all the gens or doing totems so team can do gens, looping the killer for most of the game so I can hope I get on a gen, or getting facecamped wondering if anyone will unhook me so I can do a gen.
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I'm a team player/hero unless I get purposefully sandbagged or my team lets me get to second stage on hook because they're running around doing absolutely nothing (rank 1 PS4). If that happens, I immediately switch to Lone Wolf. I WILL locker hop if killer is slugging for the 4k, and I WILL open the exit immediately and leave if you screw me over.
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G) Other.
As survivor I'm kind of "gen aggressive" even though I don't even care about escaping too much. As a result my build is all about losing the killer as quickly as possible and pumping out gens even while injured.
I never heal (takes too long for my taste) and I rarely hide excessively just so I can repair gens whenever I'm not getting chased. My weakness is mostly altruism and defense. I don't run decisive or borrowed time so I can easily get tunneled into oblivion AND if I unhook someone they can get tunneled easily as well.
I rarely unhook for that reason WHICH HOWEVER is very often the right choice in my case. Everytime someone gets hooked I stay on my gen and only seconds later they get unhooked (most of the time). That's why I don't hide from BBQ, too. Just so I can lure the killer to the other side of the map allowing the random team to heal everyone and get on the gens.
Also I always start with the middle gen by any means because: I don't mind getting chased and if I don't pump out the middle gen all those random survivors end up 3-genning themselves.
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You should make this into a poll.
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I’m a sandbagger and a gen jockey, If I’m getting chased I’ll most likely find another survivor to distract the killer so I can get back to working on my gens😶
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It can be at times, but I mostly just play with one other friend. It gets kind of boring and a tad annoying having to talk to so many people at one time while trying to play.
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No one left behind. Therefore I am „The Hero“.
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As a solo, I guess you can say I'm a team player and gen jockey. I can hold my own in a chase and buy my team mates some time to repair generators. I will go out of my way to make sure no one enters the struggle phase in their first hook, even if it means sacrificing myself in addition to taking hits for a survivor. I will prioritize gens instead of healing you if it is almost done. I run leader instead of prove thyself and try to maximize its effectiveness by sticking near team mates in the most crucial times (totems, healing, opening exit gates). If there's two of us left and the killer hooks me, I will gladly not struggle to try and give you the hatch; that is, if you were actually being helpful during the match. If you weren't I will struggle until the end in the hopes the killer catches you.
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Basically everything XD
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The sweaty: I play to win, pip and bp.
no t bag, no bm, no lonely surv.
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Im more the teamplayer
i like to save my fellow teammates why i always run well make it
the persons who will heal you fast so we can work on that gen together
my build usually consists of well make it borrowed time balanced landing and aftercare
laat one is so underrated
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I ALWAYS run unhooking master perks, all I care is for others to survive, plus, it gives me the extra BP cause of WGLF
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I am the Ash player that is always looking for those protection hits in order to activate MoM.
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I'm a mixture of A and D. I always run we'll make it to give my team mates a fighting chance and will always do my best to help survivors that are in danger. Even if I get caught towards the end of the game I always encourage people to leave me behind. The reward (for me personally) isn't getting a pip or earning bloodpoints, rather the thank you messages I get at the end of the game. :)
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I'm an opportunist and exploiter (of stupidity not the game) if a killer is coming to gen I use urban evasion and just go round the gen and trees, if I do it right I get away from killer...sort of, I just go on the gen he just kicked and finish it when im not in the TR to give time to urban evasion away
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Normally the hero, I die for my friends all the time
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True that!
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I guess I’d fall under Team player. I’d rather the Steves and Nancies on my team escape than me. And I’ll usually bring better items to give to people who don’t have any.
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I'm the team player also I'm the gen slave :(