Unfair fight against the killer

Since my last post did't go exatly how i first wanted it to go ( some of my fault at that )
But that got me to think about something .
Surv will blame the killer for dc/quiter players .
I understand if the killer camp/tunnel surv but still his role is to KILL
And a good surv team even without 1 can do 5 gens and run , as for the killer a short chase n 1 hook won't give him to much of points .
If a surv leaves he make is harder for the rest of them what i can understand as a killer.
But begin blamed that its unfair cuz of me playing like i should .
Since there a lot of killer/surv i would like to see ur point of view but if u do give ur points why u see it that way.
And no fram is out of the question since i would see it as cheating like most games would see it .
Whenever someone DCs and I'm the killer, I let them farm points and let them go, because I wouldn't really feel like I won when they were at such a disadvantage. It feels like kicking a puppy. And honestly, it's good sportsmanship, in my opinion, to not go tryhard in that situation. I've been in that situation myself and it sucks balls. I'm not going to hate or blame a killer for killing a group of three survivors, but, in my opinion, it doesn't feel like a win I deserved. It's not the killer's fault that that person DCed, but they still have the choice of what to do.