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How do you feel about noed?

I have been a player since 2016 and I have gotten to rank 1 several times on survivor, I am currently at that rank as of this moment in time. When I play killer I have gotten to rank 9 but I didn't really try to go much further because survivors can be super toxic and it's bad enough I gotta deal with 1 or 2 from a game but when all 4 are complaining it's not worth it. That being said, as a rank 9 rank I was more than able to get 4k almost every game with noed on, even when I got paired with higher ranks like 2 and 3s. I feel like the perk should get looked at again mostly because it takes people who aren't suppose to be at higher ranks to that rank. I have played a lot of games as survivor where the killer gets 1 hook or maybe 2 the whole match and then noed activates and they get a 4k. I know it's a totem perk so it is suppose to be more powerful because you can break it or keep it from activating but then you have killers who camp their totems making it hard to keep it from activating. I mostly just feel like it is a crutch that time after time I see killers take and it hinders their ability to get better cause they rely on it so much. To clarify, I am not saying to get rid of it the perk or nerfing it. I just didn't seem a discussion that talked about it so I made one. No hostility please, enough salt in the game as it is :D


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  • Member Posts: 9,039

    Killers rely on it to much I get way to many killers who chase one person the whole game and expect to win because of noed

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,503

    It serves a purpose: it counters Adrenaline.

    I hate playing solo survivor, cleansing four dull totems, and then dying to NOED, anyway. I wish that wouldn't happen, but that's just part of me being really unlucky in this game. As long as Adrenaline exists, NOED needs to be there as its counter. To get rid of one of either of those perks would mean getting rid of both to keep the balance.

  • Member Posts: 227

    No ed is a bad perk because it requires you to fail because it can work. But because killer has a high learning curb i think its the best perk for beginners. I don't know how you're getting 4ks with it because the gates should already be open at that point. If you are getting 4ks its probably because its a swf or just really altruistic group that doesn't want to leave anybody behind and imo that's fair punishment.

    When i first started playing i used it every game but it didn't do anything most of the game so i still learned and got better and eventually stopped using it because it's a wasted perk slot unless you're planning to fail.

    Last night was actually my first time getting owned by it, it was a trapper that didnt get any hooks the whole game and got me as the door was opening and then faced camped me. I personally don't care infact i was happy the baby got one but i know other people get right pissed at that but i mean, i had a good time. It was a dramatic ending.

  • I think adrenaline needs a rework as well, I think those two perks cause a lot of toxicity in the game tbh.

  • Member Posts: 227

    I don't really hate noed. I've gotten used to it. If we've gotten to the point that noed activates, then we've usually had a pretty good game. It's when I'm killed immediately within a few minutes of the game starting, now those are the unfun games to me.

  • Member Posts: 1,310

    Noed is a crutch IF it isnt in an endgame build

  • Member Posts: 1,510

    Noed is absolutely fine. I blame myself and my teammates for choosing not to do bones more than the killer. Like if you don’t want to deal with noed, clean the bones! Easy peasy!

    It still sucks to get hit with it but it’s survivors’ fault for not getting all the bones.

  • Member Posts: 681

    Is there any way for survivors to detect noed before being one shotted?

    I could have sworn the perk icon pops up on my screen once 5 gens are powered. I kinda hate this perk.

  • Member Posts: 1,510

    Also, generally speaking, a Thrill with no Ruin and especially no Devour means noed is on the table.

  • Member Posts: 928
    edited November 2019

    I find some games to become more interesting if the killer has noed, it's boring when gens pop too fast. The exciting part comes when you have to look for that totem so everyone can escape safely.

    With that being said and with the current state of gen speed and how easy it is to power the exit gates if you are playing with a coulpe of decent or optimal survivors, I don't have a problem with noed from a survivor perspective.

  • Member Posts: 681

    @Desolate_Sands Haha ok. So you're referring to watching my team's health states? Or once someone gets hit with noed, the notification pops up for everyone?

  • Member Posts: 3,022

    I'm tired of cleansing three totems, looping the killer for two minutes, finishing two gens solo, saving four hooks, healing four saves completely, only to go down to noed and die on hook because my potato teammates couldn't find, or care to bother with, the remaining two.

    Other than that, meh.

  • Member Posts: 125

    I don't like getting one shot but NOED isn't that game changing. Unless the survivors are all new solo players it's unlikely to snowball into a 4k situation. And using a perk slot just to potentially secure one kill in the end game seems risky to wasteful.

  • Member Posts: 14,110

    Noed is fine imo

  • Member Posts: 13,616

    Whenever i play Survivor, i prefer doing objectives and scavenging primarily, since i prefer it & like 90% of the others prefer the action that involves being Survivor.

    Usually i'll get it out of the way, sometimes it activates but i or someone else gets it, sometimes it works out for the Killer.

    I personally don't see much wrong with that.

  • Member Posts: 13,671

    NOED artificially makes the game look more balanced than it actually is with the free kills it gives. I'd be curious to see lethality statistics with NOED games taken out of the equation. I don''t think it should be counted because we are looking at kills rates for determining game balance and kills from NOED don't reflect balance.

    That said, I think it's a completely fair perk that is easily countered and is definitely not overpowered. I simply think it gives undeserved kills and isn't healthy for the game.

  • Member Posts: 4,125

    Noed is not OP or unbalanced but since there is no requierment to that perk compared to make your choice or devour hope it is on of the most used perks. Thats why many not experienced Killers use it, as a sort of "second chance" but for my opinion it is a really crutch perk. No brain just get some free kills without any effort. I know you can just do totems but when you play solo or on some specific maps like underground complexe, swamp, the game, doctor map etc you will take some easy 10 min to find all totems.

    Thats why I dont use and like noed at all, some killers who use it use the excuse "But I have no other perks or I am new to this Killer". But you will NEVER learn the Killer by just getting some free kill without any effort or you have a TON of good base perks as Killer. Bitter murmur, sloppy, whispers, deerstalker are ALL really good perks on almost all killers, not the BEST perks but still really good ones if you have nothing else. So to come to a end. I wish the devs would add a requierment to get the noed effect after the last gen is popped, something like, hook every survivors atleast once in a trial or something else. The same goes to ADRENALINE!

  • Member Posts: 31

    As a red rank it doesn't bother me. I honestly don't think it's that good. Sure it can sometimes clutch the end game for you but I'd rather run a perk that helps me before end game and try and get the win that's my opinion though. Noed is indeed the definition of a crutch perk for killers who are getting sent to end game before they even have a chance to find anyone. If the devs do anything to noed they should add an audio alert for the survivors to hear if they're paying attention to let them know noed is in play that would be it in my opinion.

  • Member Posts: 3,387

    NoEd is only fine if you are SWF. The worst thing is people that use the "Just do totems" line. People who say that are SWF players. Solo players will run around looking for the 5th totem after it has already been cleansed. As other solo players have said many times, it needs a totem counter for solos.

  • Member Posts: 2,221
    edited November 2019
    1. i feel like it’s needed for killers who try their best but just need that extra boost at end game Bc they got gen rushed at the beginning. I feel like it evens out a match at times.
    2. it feels like overkill on killers with actual skill
    3. it feels like a slap in the face when you get a 1-2 hook total campy killer and they win the match Bc of it. It can be absolutely triggering.
  • Member Posts: 731

    Im fine with NOED, i dont see it much at high ranks or with good killers.

  • Member Posts: 877

    It's relatively weak but feels unfair to play with/against.

    • Survivors hate the surprise one-hit down after cleaning 3/4 totems.
    • Killers hate playing with 3 perks until the very last few minutes of the match.

    It should be providing more power to the Killer and dropping more hints for the Survivors.

  • Member Posts: 254

    As a killer i never use besides when i 1st started the game as I didn't know what perks did, the few times i do play survivor its shocking to see more then half the matches i do every killer runs it. ( I personally couldn't care less if they removed it from game as i dont use it)

    As killer main i play with mind set if you make it to end game good on you, bad on my part i dont need perk that gives me free wins because i played horrible.

    I had discussion with friend about noed and show how broken it is, i went into match was getting hammered got to end game and got 4k, because of noed (red ranks btw) noed rewards you for doing nothing

    Im annoyed with noed because im killer main my survivor level is low and when i do play survivor i run into noed 24/7 all the way upto purple ranks

  • Member Posts: 175

    Noed is meta-warping. Also until recently I thought the only problem with the 'just do bones' argument was that even with small game it's rare to find totems, but now I've found out the hard way that you can't interact with totems even when you do find them sometimes.

    There's nothing wrong with noed's power level as long as you don't get gates spawning next to each other, but if the point of noed is to make a secondary objective, just give killers the boost if totems aren't done. It's a waste of a perk for killers when it doesn't proc, and a negative play experience for solo survivors who can't verify totems are done. Also a really negative play experience when it only procs because one totem can't be interacted with.

  • Member Posts: 454

    When noed gets activated I am annoyed

    Not because the killer used it but because me and my team could have prevented it.

  • Member Posts: 798

    Tbh noed is a pain in the ass but an ok perk.

    its easy to counter you can either run and get the f out leaving who gets caught on the hook which is in most cases best solution or stealth and look for totem.

    I suggest not to clease dull totems cause it has more chances to spawn in an obvious place.

  • Member Posts: 21,212

    NOED is fine. It punishes the Survivors for not cleansing totems, which by the way, are worth 1000 points now.

  • Member Posts: 3,347

    I don't really care about it one way or another. Rarely use it as I don't like endgame perks, don't really mind getting hit by it.

    Sure, playing well and then getting hit with NOED can feel "lame", but at that point I've already played most of the match. I'll take that over stuff like getting mori-tunneled 1 minute into the game any day of the week 😄

  • Member Posts: 3,387

    But you need to have some idea of whether they have already been cleansed or not. If your teammate unknowingly completes a gen that is next to ruin, are the other survivors going to check that spot? Also the one person that cleansed 4 totems can still be hit with it.

    There is potentially a lot of wasted time looking for a totem that has already been cleansed, when there might not even be a noed.

  • Member Posts: 6,556

    I think it's mostly fine.

    Personally, I rather have perks that work the entire game or during earlier stages of the game, but to each his own, endgame builds are a thing afterall.

    But it can be a crutch to new players, which I don't know how to solve.

    With an experienced team, noed probably won't activate.

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