O to be a new player again :)


For most people when they first play this game as a survivor they get excited and scared at the same time. It's adorable when i match with a new survivor and i feel happy and bad for them.

Last night i used the rare offering to make me leather face who i don't own and seeing as i haven't played killer in a while i was at rank 19.
3 out of 4 survivors were decent but this one meg was playing so strange i didn't detect it at first. Running in a straight line, not looking behind also not even dropping a single pallet all game!

I killed off the other 3 survivors and just watched from a far for a bit, she blew most skill checks and hid behind a rock for few seconds the tried again. I couldn't stop smiling and laughing reminiscing of those days.

I ended up chasing her knocking her down and carrying her around the map looking for the hatch, It was in one of those silly spots near the exit gate on swamp. took awhile but i finally helped her find it.

To the Devs, Please make sure the tutorial lights up for new players so it's easier to find, The fact that this survivor did not know about dropping pallets or the hatch spawning after 3 gens could really hurt retaining this player.


  • HP_Refill
    HP_Refill Member Posts: 29
    People like you are the reason this game lives on. Other mindless killers who purposely derank to this level won’t give any mercy to obviously new players. During rank reset if I get matched up with a killer who is new, I let them sacrifice me at the end of the match. I agree the tutorial for survivors is missing a few things.
  • Vortexas
    Vortexas Member Posts: 757

    LOL I love it when I randomly get a true newbie in a game.

    I'll just chase them, and stay right behind them, not hitting them...just chasing them for fun.

  • DepravedKiller
    DepravedKiller Member Posts: 182

    @HP_Refill said:
    People like you are the reason this game lives on. Other mindless killers who purposely derank to this level won’t give any mercy to obviously new players. During rank reset if I get matched up with a killer who is new, I let them sacrifice me at the end of the match. I agree the tutorial for survivors is missing a few things.

    Thank you, i play for fun and blood points, not to rank up. I wish others would do the same but each to their own.

    @Vortexas said:
    LOL I love it when I randomly get a true newbie in a game.

    I'll just chase them, and stay right behind them, not hitting them...just chasing them for fun.

    Yes i racing her where ever she was going but she didn't understand what i was doing so she would turn around and run the other way. Haha so cute.

  • RepliCant
    RepliCant Member Posts: 1,436

    Awwwww that was me when I first played with this guy I met for the first time

    I was shitting myself, almost literally. I'd blow up a generator and then hide in a locker for 2 minutes

  • Vortexas
    Vortexas Member Posts: 757

    The only thing that would have made that perfect is if you were playing Zero Terror Radius Myers, and just kept sorta sneaking up on them and watching.