Buff solo survivors so we can buff the weaker killers

Give all survivors a "voice chat". So basically like how overwatch does it. press X to request healing ect. And you know, let survivors tell each other things like "I'm being face camped by an insidious leather face. Just gen rush him to the shadow realm."
of course things like AHHH RUN should only be heard by survivors within like a 24m radius since if you are across the map, that isnt useful info.
Now that all survivors can communicate, we can get some buffs for weaker killers.
base kit kindred still sounds like the best thing for the game or a chase indicator for every person not just obession
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Full solo survivors are still the power role so I'm not a fan of this.
I'd rather have them increase the difficulty for survivors the higher rank they are at the same time they implement rank rewards and stricter punishments for DC's.
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solo survivors are the power role ?
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have u never played solo survivor...? its a ######### storm theyre completely the opposite from the power role
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This would still encourage de-ranking , you can play semi less efficient and still de-pip if you choose too. Who wants to rank up, only to be punished for it?
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This will not happen anytime soon.. look how long they took to even buff freddy.. let alone buffing solos and buffing all weaker killers
Looks like SWF will still gonna dominate for a while.. majority of the killers are currently not capable of keeping up with 4 man optimal SWF.. killers are a joke and playtoy for them
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I legitimately dont agree with this logic though. LF, Doctor, Clown, Wraith to some degree, and a couple of others. They are not weak because of solo Survivors. They are weak because they have been neglected in the ever-changing game we have through the years (literally the only exception is Legion, and Plague depending on where you place her). If they had more time to focus on reworking characters, all low tier Killers would be high tier ones (or decent at the very least), and solos would still be very much the same.
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Solo Survivors are already strong enough. You dont need communication to loop or repair gens, which are the two major factors of what make Survivor so powerful. Having communication just stacks more power onto that, as the game was never designed or balanced around the Survivor being able to communicate in the first place.
Balancing the game around having communication would essentially require remaking/redesigning the game from the ground up. SWF needs to be separated to another game mode or make facing SWFs optional for Survivors, and then have the game be balanced around Solos, otherwise the game will never be properly balanced.
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I am a solo survivor main. They are most definitely the "power role" in DBD.
What makes Survivors so powerful are looping and genrush, you dont need any kind of communication to do either of them. Perks also add more onto that too.
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I’m just going to say I play solo to avoid talking to people, so that’s a no from me. If they did this I’d mute the people 95% of the time for whatever variable most likely
- someone is blaring or playing music
- it’s some hot head head screaming and nerd raging
- it’s a kid
- I can hear their game through their headset and in mine
- I don’t feel like talking
- whatever noise going on in the background is getting on my last nerve
- we would be right back where we started which is here
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Solos are the Legions and Clowns of the survivor world and buffing them would not be a bad thing,
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I think built-in Kindred that shows survivor auras only would be a good start to get solo survivors closer to being on par with SWF. The lack of information solo survivors have is painful, and while lack of information is good for a horror game, this is a horror game for all of about five minutes when you first start playing it and then you get used to it and the horror is gone. That's just how it is, being repeatedly exposed to something desensitizes you to it. Then the lack of information just becomes frustrating.
I don't want built-in voice chat; I wouldn't use it. I mostly play video games to not be social. But the information SWF have means they usually don't die on their first hook because no one bothered to save them. They know it's safe to work on a gen or open an exit gate because someone else has eyes on the killer. They know how many totems have been cleansed. That information is invaluable. Solo and SWF are not on the same level, and trying to balance killers when solo survivors and SWF aren't even balanced is crazy.
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First, I'm totally in with buffing weaker killers, especially Legion, Trapper, Wraith and Doc.
Buffing solos? Maybe? I dont really care, even though I sometimes play soli myself.
But please in heaven no ingame voicechat ever.
The day this is implemented is the day I probably will stop playing completely. I do not want to hear people scream or rant the whole game. I do not want to hear anyone's mom yelling in the background. I do not want to hear people talk in a language I don't understand because this would just distract from the game and not give me any information at all. I do not want to hear toxic people yelling at me. I dont want to deal with anyone's bad mic quality that is hurting my ears. It would destroy the game entirely and probably be abused.
And I also do not want anyone to hear me and I don't want to speak english everytime that I play, especially not when I play with a friend, just that some random teammates could understand us. I want to talk with my friends about private things, and do not want anyone to interrupt or listen.
If this is is ever coming, it needs an option to be turned off completely.
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I don’t understand why this is a thing, if you don’t want randoms or don’t want to be the random join a community and swf I mean THE OPTION IS THERE. Adding in game voice chat is a waste of the companies time and resources which could be put to much better use.
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Exactly. The only reason I play solo sometimes is because I don't want to talk to other people at the moment. The price is to have less information and not beeing able to give information, but I couldn't care less if I don't want to talk anyway.
They should just buff the weaker killers. Solo survivors have the option to team up with someone anytime, there are even groups to search for teammates...that's why I don't see a problem with solo survivors, because if you play solo, you choosed to. There's always an option.
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The only buff i'd suggest for solo would be basekit kindred. Just because you're solo it doesn't take away your skill at the game.
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Solo survivor can be an absolute miserable experience. Not only do you have to worry about potential useless team mates, but sometimes SWF will screw you over badly. So you're not just up against the killer, you're up against your own team mates too. I am a main solo survivor and I can tell you that even in red ranks, it's amazing how much useless team mates you can get. PS4.
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I've played both sides at rank 1 on every reset for years.
It only doesn't seem this way when you play at low ranks and people have no idea what they're doing.
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WHAT LOL? so you can tell me with full confidence that red rank solo queue is sentient, pass me some of those drugs too please
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You aren't using sentient by its correct definition for that rhetorical question to make sense.
However, red rank games are vastly different from lower rank ones, yes. I'm assuming you do not play both sides at rank 1?
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There are already perks in the game that assist players that play solo. Use them and see how you like them.
However, I wouldn't be against a system that allows you to let others know that you need healing or that you're going for the save. That would be helpful, but I wouldn't like a built-in voice chat. The majority of games are full of crybabies that just want a free win. If I had to listen to them every match, I'd stop playing if I couldn't mute them somehow.
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- Hard no from me for Voice chat. I saw what a joke it made F13, I want nothing to do with that. Frankly, I think Voice Chat needs to go the way of Game Spy and just ######### die.
- Chase indicators for all survivors is okay
- Kindred should be passed out as a freebie perk a person can choose to slot or not to slot, but it should be the first perk every new character gets along with their teachables.
- Consider giving one of the anti-totem perks a totem counter so that those who want to hunt down totems can keep track.