Demogorgan Framerate

Okay I don't know if it's me but every time I play as the Demogorgan, the framerate drops whenever I'm chasing the survivor. Every other killer (trapper, hag, Myers, legion, etc.) it's normal. I know it's not my game lagging because with the other killers it's been fine just Demo is the issue. Has anyone experienced this when playing Demo? I'm on Xbox btw.
Same here. Xbox1X. Horrid framerate when playing demogordon
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X you say. I'm running on S.
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Console in general is just poorly optimized. Try playing Demogorgon on Hawkins or the temple. You'll want to quit as fast you joined 😆
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Every other killer is okay for the most part. With bad framerate because of the game not necessarily because of the killer
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Yeah, I'm on PS4 and I stopped playing demogorgon because of the frame drop u.u
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I haven’t play Demogorgon so I can’t say for sure but my game lags HARD when I play Hag. Almost like I’m watching a stop motion video.
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I had to leave mid game with him on Temple because I couldn't take it anymore. Sure I got two messages saying that I rage quit and gg ez but I don't' care about that.
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Yeah, I have hardly played Demogorgon since release because frame rates are horrible with him on PS4.