We are investigating an issue around players not receiving their Grade Rewards today, we will give more information as it becomes available. Apologies for the inconvenience.

Just an idea...

YamiTheFurry Member Posts: 229

I've been seeing a lot of posts about how grindy the Rift is and how peoplr with a normal schedule would have no chance of doing it. Im not sure if tha last part is true but I have an idea of maybe making dailies give Rift Fragments to help. Around the range of 25-50 depending on difficulty. What do you think?

Just an idea... 21 votes

Yes, I want this.
Luigifan64GibberishPandomYucchiDaddyTrappersGirlMiriamGPureSabaccJacoby2041RainbowPatooieElkTragicSolitudeBoosted_DwightpichumudkipKa1ro[Deleted User]LordRegal 16 votes
No, it isn't needed.
myers_obsessionBossdrimmalorGrootDudeNyaren_Chan 5 votes


  • myers_obsession
    myers_obsession Member Posts: 551
    No, it isn't needed.

    25-50 rift fragments per daily o.o? Thats way too much.

  • Gibberish
    Gibberish Member Posts: 1,050
    Yes, I want this.

    Yes to making Dailies give Rift Fragments.

    No to making them give 25-50. Thats way too much. 50 is enough for 5 whole rift tiers.

  • Elk
    Elk Member Posts: 2,267
    Yes, I want this.

    Yes, this is needed. However, that is a lot of shards. Maybe just the 3-5 shards, depending on the difficulty.

  • Boosted_Dwight
    Boosted_Dwight Member Posts: 3,047
    edited November 2019
    Yes, I want this.

    Let's tone down the rewards though. 25-50 is way too much. Like Elk said, it should be 3-5 fragments.

  • drimmalor
    drimmalor Member Posts: 909
    No, it isn't needed.

    There's another game with a battle pass function that ties progress to dailies - it ends up with a feeling that you absolutely have to play every 3 days and clear out the dailies, or you're missing out. It quickly became a chore, and the FOMO burnt me out on the game. If they were to add more fragments in anywhere, it should be in the challenges, or just passive leveling, in my opinion - not dailies.

    Not to mention some days I just don't want to play the characters that I have dailies for. I'd be hurting myself by not playing something I wasn't feeling up to. 😥

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 6,685
    Yes, I want this.

    A few shards for doing dailies would definitely be nice. Something like 3-5 shards, just like the Tome challenges give out, since they're about the same difficulty, anyway.

  • RainbowPatooie
    RainbowPatooie Member Posts: 322
    Yes, I want this.

    Adjust the number of rift shards earned, but this would be nice.