Killers should have no basic attack cool down in the exit gates

You try to stick around, click your flashlights, and teabag, you should accept the consequences of not escaping when you should have.
This is inspired by a Steve and Claudette who stayed to bm, triggered my tier 3, and the Steve miscalculated the distance from the edge and I picked him up - when he promptly disconnected lol. Pathetic classic survivors - they can dish it out but little toddlers can take it better than they can! Still would be nice if there was a mechanic that punished both of them for their bad manners.
That would be broken. Say you're chasing people out and one is body blocking for the injured person. With your idea body blocking would be useless when it matters most.
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use save the best for last
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Mad Grit, STBFL, NOED (to an extent), and Blood Warden all help punish that behavior, but I don't see an issue if survivors want to have a bit of fun at the gate.
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If the behaviour is bad enough to be considered unsportsmanlike, report them and the devs'll look at it.
If the behaviour isn't bad enough to be considered unsportsmanlike, it's time to get used to it.
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Nope - You want power at the end of the game, run NOED or Blood Warden.
If they're at the exit, you've lost at that point. Just chase them out and deal with it. If their antics bother you, look down while doing it.
It's literally seconds from your entire game ffs.
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Not really the survivor still gets a speed boost from being hit.
At most the attack cool down should be reduced a lot though, like 80-90% maybe
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No, cause NOeD with bloodwarden will be a slaughter
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If you suspect the noed/blood warden combo, you’re both toxic and dumb if you insist on staying until the killer is right there.
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So, t-bagging is toxic?
I think you just didn't hit them and force them out
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What a salt fest of a post this is.
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Ideas like this that are completely unthought out and come from the frustration of a bad game need to stop. Vent if you need to but we can’t go changing the game every time something annoys someone.
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Are you really defending BMing? The idea is bad, but are you actually defending that behaviour?
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Sounds like you excuse or condone bad behavior. Believe it or not, there are players who want themselves and others to have a fun, fair, and good natured experience! Shocking!
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I was thinking you hit the healthy survivor. They get the speed boost. Moving them out of the way of the injured survivor. Thus giving you the down.
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I really don’t like the meta of “wait for the killer to show up before you leave.” You won, congrats, get out and let’s all move on to the next game. If someone is being chased then of course there’s cause to stay, but if not, you don’t need the scolding parent to chase you to bed. Used to be people would give a hit as they left, I don’t see that anymore. Just a final taunt to the killer.
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That’s rather presumptuous don’t you think? If there was a way to punish people individually for extremely bad behavior I’d have no qualms about it. But punishing everyone for the actions of a few.. no. Making extreme changes to the game because someone got triggered is a bad idea, that’s all I’m saying.
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No, that would mean you have a speed boost that prevents the killer from double tapping. And as to the second part, there’s no reason why you should be in a situation where you die to the collapse since it’s so long and forgiving.
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You need to learn to deal with these things. I know it’s frustrating but these things happen and as a survivor, it’s a way of celebrating after all that time and effort to escape.
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No it's not. When a teammate opens the gate when they shouldn't have it can and at times will kill you.
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Exactly. It's just wasting the killer's time for no other reason than to annoy them. And then people are surprised why killers don't play generously anymore.
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If you truly had no basic attack cooldown, you'd be able to swing as fast as you can click. If you click fast enough, you'd be able to hit them twice before they can move out of your range.
Meanwhile if you can't attack fast enough to down someone before they can leave, they can always get hit and use that speed burst to run out anyway. Not to mention that they would still be able to sit right at the edge of the escape zone and fall out of the map when they go down.
In any case, it wouldn't prevent someone from sitting in the gate and teabagging, but it would have unintended side effects.
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If your idea of celebrating is to not leave until the last second, flashlight click, teabag, etc. in order to annoy and/or shame the killer, that’s not being a good sport.
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If this were true borrowed time wouldn't work on leatherfaces chainsaw but it does, so....
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I'm really unsure what that has to do with this. Leatherface does several attacks in succession, it's not a constant death beam. Each attack can hit any given survivor once. If you were to hit the survivor with two of his chainsaw swings, you would actually down them. Likewise, if you hit them with one basic attack, gave them Deep Wounds and then hit them again immediately after, they would still go down.
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I have an easy fix for this just don't let them power the exit gates! Killers can nod and hit survivors on hooks to bm them so every time a killer nods should the survivor get a hatch that spawns under their feet? Why do you even care about bm though? They want these type of reactions.
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I mean, I see what you’re saying and at the end of the day, I don’t wait till the last second of egg to tee bag every match I play but some of them are worth To teebag, especially noed or toxic killers.
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Just hit them out or wait for the collapse? This is really not a problem.
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Are you high?
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I think what should actually happen is the killer can just grab you if you stay for longer than X amount of time, it shouldn't be instant because then you could instantly kill someone who opened the gate just in time or the killer could just camp inside the gate
At the very least you shouldn't get away if you wait if you go down inside the exit gate
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Maybe dont be that butthurt about that? They teabag, wow. Just show that you are a grown-up adult and ignore it.
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Just chase them out or go afk until EGC chases them out.
Is it pointless and a dick move? Yeah, but you have ways to either make them leave or simply not participate in or interact with it whatsoever.
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I'm sorry, but this is a horrible idea.
First of all, BHVR can't just go change something like this because you've had those few survivors that have tea -bagged you.There are always going to be toxic people like that, especially in a game like this where people are on a Adrenaline rush.
Second of all, let's say this was in the game and every killer had a 90% quicker cool down. Let's say your going against a huntess. That huntess would be able to down you in seconds, even with the speed boost a survivor gets.
I think you get the point... I'm not condoning toxic behavior, but it's just impossible to change everything that's toxic in this game.
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so getting hit is a exploit now?
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You're really upset, haha..
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My best dbd moment was blood wardening a 3 man swf group that’s was teabagging the exit gates and Mori-ing them inches from salvation
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I don’t know why I read all of this, it was a dumb post to begin with tbh. You don’t want survs to wait until the timer is close to ending? force them out, or go afk for 1 minute. The collapse is 2 minutes, hardly any time at all yet people like you still complain. Just take the loss and don’t think twice about it. Simple, next time think before you post because this just makes you look silly and impatient.
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You're the pathetic one coming on here to vent about a 1 videogame round that didn't go perfectly. Grow up.
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Stop hating on survivors who stay behind because maybe they wanna make sure someone makes it out.
Im so tired of people wanting to pigeonhole every survivor at the gate by claiming they are being “toxic” because you have an instance where they were tbaggin.
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What are the rules on trying to blind a killer at the exit to boost boldness points?
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You need to relax, dude. Were you the Steve that dced? Is that why you’re so touchy and offended? Poor baby.
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Take it today for free, maybe tomorrow the truth will cost something lads.
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But nobody runs that stuff because those are perks that assume that you're already losing. So no, survivors will continue to get away with toxicity.
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Despite how dumb it may sound, there's zero knockback from getting hit by the killer. However, survivors getting hit for some reason makes them able to go through the killer. So a survivor can be stuck between the Trapper and his trap and the Trapper hitting the survivor will allow them to just walk through him. If someone is crawling at the exit gates, there's no way to fail a body block for them since survivors suffer no knockback. Just another reason why survivors are the power role by a landslide.
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That would be too strong. For now, just chase out the survivors.
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Ok how about just reduce it by 30% when endgame collapse is activated
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Then your apart of the problem
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how is that being apart of the problem this person is making a terrible suggestion just because they had one bad game oh boo hoo
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Its not just one game its a series of the same thing over and over in this case teabagging flashlight clicking toxic survivors who wont leave which is why a built in bloodwarden effect should take place if you stay in or around the gate area for to long
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Or how about grow a pair and chase them out like 99% of killers do