Are dc's the new norm?
You say people are punished then why is it so common in red ranks!? I tend to have several dc's per day in different matches and it's honestly quite annoying. This needs to be addressed and fixed you need to actively discourage people from dc'ing not this oh we will ban them if they have enough dc's.
Just had two people DC. Of course that whole game was a ######### show.
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Nothing new about it. This has been an issue for too long. We do have light at the end of the tunnel.
For now it is just a part the game.
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I'm sure it'll improve eventually. Hopefully.
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Guess I'm not allowed to show names
Post edited by Soultiller on3 -
Not new norm just the norm.
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Pretty sure name shaming is against the rules.
Post edited by Rizzo on1 -
That depends, which killer are you playing? Nobody wants to mend for 20 minutes against a Legion so they’ll dc. Also, Forever Freddy is the most annoying killer to play against, so it’s easier to move on to another game.
lastly, how is your ping? If you’re lag city then no one will want to play against that lol
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I'm not lagging I sit around 60ms also we are on dedicated servers now so any ping issues would be from BHVR servers. I was playing The Plague and Trapper for my last few dc's
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######### show hit reg ######### show d/c's?
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I play on PS4 so dedicated servers aren’t a thing yet, but I’m just letting you know some of the reasons behind survivors dc’ing
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Yea and there’s ways to prevent reaching that mysterious % of games threshold.
it sux
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Killer can't kill you if you disconnect.
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Yes because the developers are choosing to simply ignore the problem. They should be brainstorming solutions but this just never has been a top priority.
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"New" lol. Stopped playing months ago because there was a DC almost every game. It's ridiculous.
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They are not ignoring it
DC's are being tracked and when a survivor hits a limit the player is banned for it
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It is pretty close to it, rage quits have little to no consequence and that shouldn't be a thing.
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Closing the app has no consequence, leaving the game you don't keep any points from the match and XP is not earned I believe
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They are not ignoring the problem they have a post on this very forum stating the changes coming when dedicated servers are fully implemented and how they plan to change the system so they have been brainstorming a better solution.
The problem was the p2p nature of the game as they couldn't tell exactly why someone dc'd be it the game or them pulling the plug so could lead to false bans which is never a good idea and why the percentage is probably higher than even they would like it to be.
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Keywords: "When Dedicated Servers are fully implemented"
Dedicated Servers right now are in no way close to being shipped out. From what we have now, it seems like a years+ worth of work to even consoder implimenting the servers.
If they can't even iron out GF stalk, Wraoth unclean during stun, and Headshot Huntress, how on earth are they going to track survivors for bans?
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What do you suggest? How would one punish a DC? Because suicide on hook would be the next version of DC
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Ghostface has a fix just implemented.
Dedicated servers in general are almost there and I think they will annouce a released soon afterall it's been around 6 weeks of testing so it seems like they are here to stay. There are a few cases but they seem more region dependent on where someone is, someone's internet and pc setup which need looked at.
On NA east with spectrum ultra I don't have any issues personally when on them while on them.
Bans are entirely different from tweaking some character mechanics as it's just about how you lost connection to the server or if the server kicked you. Its pretty simple really with timeouts instead of bans as they can timeout even if it's an error with the persons setup or isp as it really just gives them time to fix it while waiting like most games do.