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Should the Dev's remove the timer that counts down in Lobbys?

TheLegendDyl4n1 Member Posts: 1,493

dont you find it annoying when thier is an afk survivor in a lobby and because of this they may leave the game or even be afk in-game? i do because i experience this as a survivor and killer multiple times a day, when im the killer i feel obligated to not kill them because it wouldnt be fair to the rest of the team, and as a survivor im severely punished. this would also solve the toxic survivors who switch last second.

Should the Dev's remove the timer that counts down in Lobbys? 48 votes

Force all players to ready up before the match can start
TheLegendDyl4n1Kees_TRevansith 3 votes
Keep it as it is (wth are you smoking if you chose this)
MandyBossFoggyDownpourPhantomMask20763Mister_xDTooKoolFoUFibijeanMiriamGSpacingLlamasTapeKnotarslaNJoyfulLeaderJacoby2041AlmoChmurkazTragicSolitudeAven_FallenHoodiedTerratoastCJsDBD 45 votes


  • Rydog
    Rydog Member Posts: 3,275
    Keep it as it is (wth are you smoking if you chose this)

    What @TragicSolitude said.

    Also, the timer serves a function in terms of counterpicking. Survivors have the power to switch up their loadouts as long as they haven't all readied up, and the killer is able to respond by changing their own loadout. And the killer has the power to force the match to start if all survivors HAVE readied up, eliminating their window for switching items at the last second.

    When I play killer, I hover my finger over the Ready button, and hit it immediately, as soon as the last survivor has readied (gotta ASSERT DOMINANCE early!). If we've reached 0:15 and the timer is locked in, I prepare to swap counter-perks in (usually Franklin's Demise) to deal with last-minute switcheroos when possible.

    This is a small thing, and most of the time it's not even relevant, but I think the lobby timer -- as it is now -- serves a purpose.

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,613
    Keep it as it is (wth are you smoking if you chose this)

    If they're AFK, why would i want to wait in the lobby?

    You don't know how long they'll be AFK either.

    3 versus 1 may suck hard, but i'd still prefer it over not playing.

    Heck, you might convince peeps to use the AFK guy's character to farm, then do some more friendly farming to maximize BP.

    Also, there's still the option to dodge them.

  • TheLegendDyl4n1
    TheLegendDyl4n1 Member Posts: 1,493
    Force all players to ready up before the match can start

    a solution to the problem most of y'all have come up with is that also their could be a vote kick or auto kicker for someone who is afk

  • TheLegendDyl4n1
    TheLegendDyl4n1 Member Posts: 1,493
    Force all players to ready up before the match can start

    then an auto kicker that kicks a survivor or killer after a minute of waiting from the point where all 5 players are in the lobby where they didn't ready up

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,613
    Keep it as it is (wth are you smoking if you chose this)

    Then i turn to a more general problem.

    Won't this increase lobby times greatly for some?

    I can't talk from personal experiences, my lobby times are never harsh.

    But there's people saying they get well over 5 minutes of waiting time.

    It might take a considerable amount of time to replace the Survivor who just got kicked.

    Now for those who get those long times could wait even more now.

    Not to mention the 3-Survivors lobby bug seems to still be a thing every now and then.

    Maybe this is an idea for later, but i don't think the game's currently in a proper state to implement this.

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110
    Keep it as it is (wth are you smoking if you chose this)

    As said by most of the above, this would be greatly abused.

  • TheLegendDyl4n1
    TheLegendDyl4n1 Member Posts: 1,493
    Force all players to ready up before the match can start

    agree maybe they can look at this when they take the time to not do a chapter and focus on fixing the game and many bugs, glitches, and general problems people face every week in the game.

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807
    Keep it as it is (wth are you smoking if you chose this)

    Sometimes they aren't actually afk. I've had so many games where a Survivor was taking forever to ready up but then once we got to the actual game they played just fine.

    This is far more common than an afk Survivor.

    Also edit your poll to not insult people who disagree with you. It's poisoning the well and it's very disingenuous.

  • TheLegendDyl4n1
    TheLegendDyl4n1 Member Posts: 1,493
    Force all players to ready up before the match can start

    i cant edit it out, only the optional description, i already tried to edit it out i am sorry i made this when i was tired.

  • TheLegendDyl4n1
    TheLegendDyl4n1 Member Posts: 1,493
    Force all players to ready up before the match can start

    i cant edit it out, only the optional description, i already tried to edit it out i am sorry i made this when i was tired.

  • pichumudkip
    pichumudkip Member Posts: 155
    Keep it as it is (wth are you smoking if you chose this)

    There are bumholes out there who will purposely not ready up because they're bumholes.

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342
    edited November 2019
    Keep it as it is (wth are you smoking if you chose this)

    People not readying up would be a much bigger problem than people going afk is now, and would promote resentment and toxicity among players in the game.

    Right now, people know that once they join a lobby, they can only be afk for about 2-3 minutes at a maximum if they don't want to either die immediately (in the case of survivors) or throw the game (in the case of killers). If the timer weren't there, people could grab a lobby and then go get a snack or go to the bathroom and ready up when it suits them. Or they could sit in the lobby for ages adjusting their loadout or levelling random characters. Or they could switch characters or items at the last second before readying up, which gives the killer even less time to react than they already have.

    The timer is there for a reason. A lack of it is just too abusable, increases lobby times and reduces the quality of gameplay for everyone.

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669
    Keep it as it is (wth are you smoking if you chose this)

    im not smoking anything tbh.

    it happened to me before that i had long queue times and therefore tabbed out of the game, just te be brought back by the sound of the trial starting.

    imagine the game not starting though, if i didnt notice i joined a lobby - this would be hell for everyone!