Possible fixes for spirit

A lot of people think spirit is op, personally I don’t think she is op, just that she is not fun to play against. As a survivor, all you can do is basically guess what is going on with no actual information for you to use. There really isn’t any good feeling when you “juke” the spirit, you just got lucky, and you have to do it again in 10 seconds. I propose a couple of possible chances that would make counterplay possible, while also making spirit still fun to play as.
Not all of these changes have to be done, but even a few would make a big difference.
1- When phasing, the spirit affects the movement of grass
2- When phasing the whooshing sound is directional again
3- have some sort of trail that follows the spirit when phasing (the trail would have like a 2 second delay and would be very faint kind of like the wraith)
4- (almost necessary) remove prayer beads and change it to something else
5- When phasing the spirit cannot collide with survivors
To balance out the slight nerf to the spirit some of these changes would give her, I think when phasing scratch marks should be slightly brighter like when the wraith is cloaked
These changes would make it more fair for the survivors to actually possibly be able to nuke the spirit without having to rely on just dumb luck.
The grass movement would be map/tile specific so meh...the directional phase sound would be a hard nerf back to ptb spirit (she was considered weak then) so that's a bad idea...I'm fine with beads but they need to be an ultra rare they are one of her strongest addons... and I'm fine with the no collision while phasing... so #5 and a modified #2 and she's fine... she doesn't need to be weaker.. they instead need to buff numbers on the other killers. They could do this in a week instead of waiting years... number changes aren't hard.. we dont have to wait for full reworks.