Buff Jigsaw Boxes
Pigs Jigsaw Boxes need a serious buff. It’s her main power, it should have more kick to it. People are gonna say, “it’s meant to waste time, not kill”, but it barely wastes time! I’ve mained pig since her release and honestly, getting the trap off first try is just way too common. Even going against pig as survivor, I notice I get the trap off first try the majority of the time. Only in rare circumstances is it actually a threat.
Its bad enough her end game was nerfed even though the majority wanted it because it meant more intense matches against her, but that’s a different topic.
the change I’m proposing is simple. Simply make getting the trap off first try more difficult.
something like:
Box 1: 4% (Same as unhooking)
Box 2: 25%
Box 3: 50%
Box 4: 100%
Perhaps even give her addons that lower the percentages for the first three boxes even further? Have luck perks and addons affect the boxes.
the only alternative I personally would think would be on par (Actually, I think this would be way more difficult but I love the idea of it) would be an ultra-rare add-on that reduced Jigsaw Box skill checks to DS level.
You know that there isn't a % chance of getting the trap off, right? And I don't want another RNG factor in this game, I don't know how to buff them to be less RNG, but there must be a way.
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There is not a percentage chance of getting your trap off. The game randomly selects a box for every survivor in the trial.
I feel like the best thing they could do is put an extra Jigsaw Box on the map and make the first box you search is a guaranteed 0%.
Then you go around and search the other 4 boxes for your key in the right box.
Then rework either Annotated Plan or the Sketch to do something else. Only one of these.
And rework Tampered timer to only take 15 or 20 seconds off the RBTs.
This change would make the RBTs more effective on what they're suppose to do, delay gen progression. And as a little treat, a slightly better chance to getting a trap death.
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I’m fine with your idea as well. And for the record, I know the boxes aren’t determined by percentages, I just think they should be. Plus, it’d make luck perks and offerings slightly less useless.
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What if the luck offerings were able to shave off some the percentage of the first box search? So say Up the Ante is equipped and you're able to take off 9% of the 100% to 91%. If all survivors have it equipped it can stack to 36% and make the first box search a 64% chance.
I do agree that luck should be made to be more useful since it only works for Self Unhooks and Bear Trap escapes. Should work for looting chests.
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I think that scenario would be so rare that if the stars aligned and that managed to actually happen, then so be it. Luck should have more determination in these kinds of things. They make luck out to be a huge thing but as you said, it only affects escaping the hook and bear traps. I didn’t even know until earlier this year that luck didn’t affect chests, which honestly blew my mind.
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Yeah, it's whack that out of all things the luck stat don't work on is the looting luck.
I know that they said that a luck rework was suppose to happen but they never came around and did it. Other than the looting buff during either the Winter or Blight event last year.
I wouldn't mind luck affecting other things such as skillcheck chances, different skill check sizes, alerting crows, or even having a chance to earn a little more bps.
However having a killer's power completely affected by luck can feel really bad for one side or the other.
There would need to be a middle ground of some sort if that was the case. That's why I tried to come up with a compromise of both of our idea for Amanda.
Even if it was a small chance to get a box off in the first search it could mean a lot if it does come off.
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I feel like even the slightest chance versus none at all would be more fair. That’s why I used the same percentage as escaping the hook. Doesn’t happen often, but when it does, it’s pretty annoying.
and I still feel like it would happen FAR less often than it currently does.
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Yeah, I'd be cool with a 4% chance on the first box since it's a very slight chance that it will actually free you from the trap. Pig just needs a little boost to something with her traps.
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The only buff it needs is to play SAW's theme song when you have a trap on your head.
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Honestly it’s something that I’m surprised hasn’t been addressed already.
I would love this. I also wish they’d change her lion roar to the terrifying pig squeal from the movies.
would definitely make her a tad bit more scary.
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Yo that would be pretty neat if it was a pig squeal instead that roar.
Amanda's stealth ability received a really nice buff with the Undetectable status. It was a good buff after a few indirect nerfs to make all killers consistent.
I know that Rules Set 2 is requested to be base kit ever since she was released, but I don't think that's going to happen anytime soon.
I'm guessing BHVR wants to do something more abstract rather than making an addon base kit.
I proposed the change with the five box scenario that Rules Set 2 was not going to be changed at all.
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I used to think making rule set 2 base kit was too OP, but, considering her huge nerf, I think it would definitely balance her out. Plus it would free up an addon slot and make things even more interesting.
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It would be really neat, but what would Rule Set 2 do then? I was thinking that it would drastically change how to play Pig and it's like playing a different version of her.
Maybe something with the RBT being on the survivors at the start of the trial and their keys are attached to a certain survivor.
The survivors can't tell which survivor is attached to their trap.
After being hooked twice the Pig can mori the survivor in question and the attached survivor's trap becomes active and they have to search the corpse for the key.
The survivor has a shorter amount of time to get the trap off since they only have to search one thing.
There would have to be something to keep the Pig from staying on the corpse to insure the attached survivor dies as well thought.
This is just a spitball idea that I came up with off the bat.
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If they make Rule Set #2 basekit, I think that'd be a strong enough buff for her power.
Ambush is strong, but needs more Addons.
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I've had this idea too.
[Very Rare] Partially Filled Syringe
A syringe a quarter filled with a sedative, enough to put one favored victim asleep in preparation for the game.
- Match selects an obsession.
- Obsession begins the trial with an inactive reverse bear trap on their head.
[Ultra Rare] Filled Syringe
A syringe completely filled with a sedative, enough to put multiple victims asleep in preparation for the game.
- All survivors start the trial with inactive reverse bear traps on their head.
- Slightly increases the reverse bear trap death timer.
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Those syringe addons would be pretty nice as well. They can be used to have some early game pressure.
I do agree that she needs more Ambush addons. I'd be happy if we removed some of the RBT status effect addons such as utility blades to have some Ambush enhancers of some sort.
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Not sure if BHVR needs to remove any addons.
Dunno why there needs to be a limit as to how many addons a killer can have.
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I know that BHVR has some sort of addon philosophy where they want a specific amount of rarities like 2 Ultra Rares, 4 Very Rares, 5 Rare and Uncommon, and 4 Commons.
Amanda has that philosophy so I was thinking that we can replace the less useful addons with stronger ones.
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I'd be happy with just making the first box auto-fail. No need to do all this percentage stuff.
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The game honestly needs more luck based components. Having it just be random, I always thought was odd. There’s an entire luck system in place that is being under used, yet made out to have more of an impact. People run luck based offerings all the time, and it only affects hooks and bear traps. Once you’re off the first hook and if it’s not trapper, it’s entirely pointless.
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I actually don't like the way the luck mechanic has been implemented in this game at all. I don't like luck affecting self-unhooks, and I don't like luck affecting bear trap escapes. I'd rather they re-worked the stuff that either affects luck or cares about it and then just do away with the luck mechanic.