I completed the level 1 tome.

I paid $10 and I want to get everything from the pass, kinda hard when I got to spend the 61 daysI have left for more challenges.
I mean, Level 2 of the Tome will come in less than a week.
So... Whats your problem exactly?
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Most battlepasses gate challenges into every week or two. The difference is they also give you new daily challenges to work on the pass too.
I beat the first tome in 2 days so now I get to sit for 12 until the next one unlocks. I bought the battlepass because I thought it would give me more reasons to play. It does, for 2 days at a time. Pretty disappointing.
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It costs me a week (7 days) to just sit around and wait for the next challenges why the rift counts down their change. I'm upset because I paid for a pass that is not complete, I should be getting what I paid for, I didn't pay half the pass, so it shouldn't give me half of what I paid for.
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I got them all done within 2 days
Man I wish games didn't get hit by the "fortnite" effect like this
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See I really don't know why they don't do that even if it's just one fragment per day that you can earn with the daily challenges it would keep engagement high and it would also make it a lot easier for casual players to complete the Rift without An insane amount of grinding
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Just FYI, it will take much more than the tome challenges to get the rift done in time... Judging by what we got from the first one, I would estimate we will get somewhere between 20 and 30 rift levels from the tome (assuming you can complete the crazy chapter 4 challenges before the rift closes) you will need to grind the other 40-50 with game time xp.
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Peach, I hardcore grinded the first tome.
I don't know or think they were ready, they just wanted to push it to live.
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You continue to progress through the rift after the tome is finished, I just hit lvl 40 on rift.
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Not really as it's already been mentioned and this was well known before they released it. only around half the rift is earnable via doing the challenges. You will still need to grind the xp from normal games which right now means playing around 7 games a day on average.
Your not waiting 7 days to do more you are doing the challenges as they appear and and grinding the parts you can't get between them.
This is understandable as the game already changed with people trying to do challenges instead of playing normally. I don't think anyone wants that to be something which affects the game constantly.
It was also mentioned that they time gated them so people wouldn't do it all in 2 weeks and having nothing left to look forward too for the remainder of the time.
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I liked the missions where it was in your gameplay and you didn't have to throw the game (like not doings gens so you could heal others for the challenge to be completed).
The challenges that were part of your every day gameplay were the fun ones, the stuff like break 8 totems makes others want to do their challenge and not help their team, I'm not saying to change anything, I just like the challenges like "trap 2 survivors in your bear trap" or "kick the same gen twice" or "break these many pallets or hit gens 5 times with Brutal Strength".
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This I agree with 100% and gave the exact same feedback to the devs. Challenges should be tied more to normal play and and not detract players from it.
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Plus for new players it gives them items they can use and encourages players who may not make saves, barely work on gens, or even play Killer as a whole be inspired to try the role or objective, gives you incentive for trying something new!
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You paid access to the premium track of the rift.
You have it.
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I'm aware of that buddy, kinda hard to get full use out of a track when there's nothing left that it gives you. :)
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So you reached lvl 70 already?
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No, I have completed the first tome, the only thing it gives now is a fragment for playing matches, no challenges as I finished the first tome, 2 3 and 4 are coming soon, timer is going down on rift, I got to wait.
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But you don't have to wait. In fact, waiting is bad for you.
You need several lvls on the rift from experience points.
And since you already paid for the premium track, you should try to get the most out of it
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You did not pay for the Tomes at all. The Tomes are only tied to the Rift, but not required. You gain Rift Fragments by playing, the Tomes are a 100% free Feature.
So you cannot go with "I have paid money for the Premium Rift", when the Tomes are a F2P-Feature, which does not require the Premium Rift at all.
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So I just paid for the premium pass. I'm at rank 16 in the rift. I got 2 event skins and 3 green skins. Event skins cost 400 AC per piece, and greens cost 250. So, for 1000 AC, I got 1550 AC worth of skins. Assuming you care about each piece you get, I'd say that's pretty worth it.