Padded Jaws

Feyard Member Posts: 43

Maybe I'm just dumb, but: Is there any reason to use Padded Jaws?
I'd really like to know in which cases this add on shines, cause if my understanding is correct it's just a bad version of any common offering (50% more bp for all actions of a category), in addition it takes up an add on slot and actually weakens you (by not injuring the trapped victims).


  • Brawler
    Brawler Member Posts: 331
    It works just like Speed Limiter or Scarred Hand. Your main ability is taken, but you receive Bloodpoints faster. Nothing special. 
  • Vortexas
    Vortexas Member Posts: 757

    Pair it with Bloody Coil.

    They still get wounded when disarming to spite padded jaws.

  • Feyard
    Feyard Member Posts: 43

    Thanks for the quick answers!
    I guess I'm never gonna use it...

  • azazer
    azazer Member Posts: 446
    I use traps by herding survivors to the traps. I can just pick them up and not care about the damage. Works fine for that play style
  • MegaWaffle
    MegaWaffle Member Posts: 4,172

    @Feyard said:
    Maybe I'm just dumb, but: Is there any reason to use Padded Jaws?
    I'd really like to know in which cases this add on shines, cause if my understanding is correct it's just a bad version of any common offering (50% more bp for all actions of a category), in addition it takes up an add on slot and actually weakens you (by not injuring the trapped victims).

    It is meant only as a BP farming method. It is not an add-on you bring into a match with the intent on killing. During Double Bloodpoint weekends it might be worth using as often you will get groups of people farming.

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    you can still pick them up, right?
    if so, you get +100% more BP and still get the oneshot when picking someone up.
    i will probaply use them pretty often...

  • ChesterTheMolester
    ChesterTheMolester Member Posts: 2,771
    edited July 2018
    azazer said:
    I use traps by herding survivors to the traps. I can just pick them up and not care about the damage. Works fine for that play style
    Mister_xD said:

    you can still pick them up, right?
    if so, you get +100% more BP and still get the oneshot when picking someone up.
    i will probaply use them pretty often...

    Here are the answers you need @Feyard . Its decent and advise you to try it yourself.
  • RuneStarr
    RuneStarr Member Posts: 850
    Same as what's been mentioned, also good for people who want to farm during double BP. Still a super niche addon though.
  • Feyard
    Feyard Member Posts: 43

    @ChesterTheMolester said:
    azazer said:

    I use traps by herding survivors to the traps. I can just pick them up and not care about the damage. Works fine for that play style

    Mister_xD said:

    you can still pick them up, right?

    if so, you get +100% more BP and still get the oneshot when picking someone up.

    i will probaply use them pretty often...

    Here are the answers you need @Feyard . Its decent and advise you to try it yourself.

    Thanks, if I got nothing left I may use them to get some other add ons, but as long as I have an alternative I'm gonna go with the alternative. That's probably the whole reason this add on exists, so that newer players can use them (since they got nothing else anyway) and level their chars up quickly.