Why is tunneling bad? I know why it’s unfun already.

Legit question, as someone who is usually 50:50 survivor killer but this season heavily survivor I have her up to rank 2 and killer at 7. Just giving those numbers out for perspective.

So I hate being tunneled obviously, but when it happens I understand why the killer does it from a numbers standpoint. If your first 4 hooks of the game are 1 on each survivor or 1 on someone and 3 on a survivor to kill them that is the stronger play because it gets you to a 3 vs 1 game which is a lot easier.

Again, I know why it’s not fun, but assuming you don’t camp and get 3 hooks it still works out well for the emblem system. So why do people say it’s a bad strategy?

FYI as killer I don’t tunnel, I rarely even put the third hook on someone unless they Teabag or something else annoying. I play killer mostly for the BP so I’ll hook everyone for BBQ and then really relax my play.


  • AngryFluffy
    AngryFluffy Member Posts: 443

    It depends heavily on the situation.

    If it is the end of the game, only one gen left or the exit gates already powered and there are 3-4 survivors still alive, I can understand if they tunnel or even camp.

    But I can't understand it, if they do it right at the beginning of the game, without any reason and probably ruin still up. It just destroys the game for the one survivor entirely and, in my opinion, shows lack of skill.

    I play both roles and I never tunnel or camp, and still get my kills, without ruining the game for anyone. The only time I do it, is if it is the only person I can find and even then I probably just down them and slug for pressure and giving them a second chance. Or if they disrespect, like tbagging, healing in front of me or trying to finish a gen infront of me, I also don't really care if I tunnel or not. If the killer approaches you should better run or you might get hurt.

  • Jb94
    Jb94 Member Posts: 209

    It's not always a bad strat, situationally it can be the right thing to do. I think the problem is killers going out of their way to make sure they tunnel- like thats what they've decided to do before the game starts.

    Some reasons not to:

    1- DS and BT. Two very popular survivor perks punish attempts to tunnel (they do more than this at red ranks, but that's the general idea). These perks are so ubiquitous in the game that straight up tunneling is never a good play to default to.

    2- Pressure. Being this focused on one survivor is easily punished by a focused team. Good teams won't unhook right away, they'll use the grace period between hooking and being found to slam out those first 2/3 gens. Unhooked survivors need to heal and won't necessarily know where the gens are on the map- if you've managed to find someone else they're wasting time while you're securing your next hook.

    3- Fun. You're underestimating the tactical impact of unfun gameplay. Playing in a scummy way can fuel survivors to find ways to 'punish' you- if you've picked on the weak link of the team and the other three are decent this might backfire. On the other end of the spectrum, aggressively removing players can change the entire game dynamic--the team can be demotivated to the point that they stop focusing on objectives and just try to outlive each other. I'm sure you've has games where 2 survivors are left, neither touching gens because they're both out looking for /camping the hatch. Personally I find this boring, so I try not to press my advantage too hard in this way.

    None of these apply to every game equally, they're just factors to consider. As a killer you need to keep your options open, but not tunneling generally leads to better games IMO.

  • Wahara
    Wahara Member Posts: 237

    A thousand times this.

    You're either 1) new or 2) a douche if you do this

  • VincentRedfield
    VincentRedfield Member Posts: 285

    Tunneling increases dcing because a new game sounds more fun than being tunneled into the ground.

  • johnmwarner
    johnmwarner Member Posts: 3,793

    Indefinitely agree with you guys, I think this is one of those things that Killer only players don’t get. By being on the other side I can see how unfun it is, not just read complaints on forums, and unless that person is the only person I find I’m moving on to someone else.

  • BenZ0
    BenZ0 Member Posts: 4,125
    edited November 2019

    It depends obviously on the situation. If you have a survivor on last hook and you know they will finish the last 2 gens soon then just go for the tunnel, you need that 4th survivor out of the game as fast as possible to have a bit more time to stop the last 2 gens.

    But some ppl think 24/7 tunnel ALWAYS in any situation is good, and its not true. You are losing alot of pressure and time by tunneling straight up at the start of the game, after hooking in early game you should patrol the gens and find the other survivors, atleast injure them. But I see alot of killers that just patrol around the hook and then go staright up tunneling, hitting on borrowed time, eating the d strike then 3 gens are done, hooking this guy again. 4 gens done, guy is getting unhooked, adrenalin and all 4 escape... that usually happens really often to tunneling killers on me with my swf grp.

    I guess on solo it looks different but I dont play solo so cant say much about that.

  • johnmwarner
    johnmwarner Member Posts: 3,793

    I guess the specific time is when you’re not near the unhook, come back and see only the unhooked survivor. The “survivor handbook for killers,” says leave them alone and find someone else but why?

  • 8obot1c
    8obot1c Member Posts: 1,129

    Tunneling is only fine against toxic people other than that it's unfair

  • MissGamer456
    MissGamer456 Member Posts: 154

    This right here^^

    I usually play killer as a 1v3 If I can catch the 4 person I will, but if I can’t I completely disregard them just to put odds in my favor and this usually works this is my strategy and I think it’s good. If it’s a 2v1 I can hook the survivor that hasn’t been hooked yet and I can probably see the last remaining survivor with BBQ usually on the hatch so it will by me time to get there before it opens and I’ll know where it is if they save.

  • HectorBrando
    HectorBrando Member Posts: 3,167

    While I despise tunneling and I rarely do it on purpose its a good strategy on the short term, it does help the killer with an easier game.

    On the long term I think is terrible, imagine every killer starts tunneling, in all trials, always, every time you enter a game if you get downed first you are going to get tunneled and killed asap, is not very funny or engaging, right? people will start to burnout and play less and less survivor, in the end this hurts the killer mains because theyll have longer queues and a higher rate of DCs.

    This applies to survivors too, endless looping or harassing less skilled killers might scare them away from playing the game, hurting survivors in the end.

    I believe Behaviour should design the game to avoid tunneling, camping, endless looping etc so they are rare occurences instead of the norm, IE the Endgame Collapse did a nice job ending open door harassing and hatch standoffs (tough it still has some pruning to do it was a step in the right direction).

  • altruistic
    altruistic Member Posts: 1,141

    Games like Friday was fine in terms of being tunneled. Even though you’re dead as soon as Jason grabs you, you’re at least able to fight back. Survivors can’t defend themselves. Sure you can say DS gives you another chance, but at the end of the day you rely on a pallet. It’s just too easy to tunnel someone into the dirt. It doesn’t matter how good the survivor is.

  • GodDamn_Angela
    GodDamn_Angela Member Posts: 2,213
    edited November 2019

    It depends on how "hard" you tunnel.

    If you ignore every other Survivor except for a specific one, even when they are in your face or farm hook in front of you that's pretty scummy and makes the game unfun for the Survivor.

    However, if you run into the unhooked survivor while running back to hook and you down them this is not scummy, you should NOT, EVER, just ignore a Survivor and let them go just because it might be seen as "tunneling". They ran the wrong way and got caught again, too bad for them. You can be kind and let them go but don't expect it to be taken as a kind gesture.

    Not only that but the massive swing toward the Killer's favour after the first Survivor is killed is crazy.

    @altruistic I don't think this is 100% true. A really good Survivor can run a Killer around for a long time. If the Killer continues to tunnel then Gens are going to get completed, sometimes 3 before they get downed (sometimes more), and it won't even be worth the time spent tunneling them.

  • akbays35
    akbays35 Member Posts: 1,123
    edited November 2019

    Tunneling happens for 3 reasons, momentum, pressure, and teammates not helping. It's efficient for a killer to focus one survivor at a time especially a wounded one where you know there location. Easiest way to fix this on a survivor end is bodyblock the killer. On the Devs end they can penalize the point emblem on the same survivor and multiply it for chasing and injuring other survivors. What the Devs really should do is have a binary system where un/hooking and picking/downing survivors regulates gen times in a more meaningful way than Thantophobia. If killers got a passive 3 second stack on gen time per different survivor hooked and downed it would give killers more incentive to hunt other survivors and survivors more incentive to protect their teammates.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    If the killer literally ignores everyone there and tunnels into you every time as soon as you're off the hook and he was camping you as well then sure, it feels bad.

    However, if the killer just happens to run into me again after I just happened to be the last one that was hooked, that is totally fair game. The thing is that THIS is usually the scenario where people like to scream "tunneler" when it really isn't. Just because I was the last one hooked and the killer ran into me I don't expect him to be like, "Oh crap sorry bro didn't realize it was you again, keep working on that generator, I'll go randomly wonder around the rest the map hoping to find someone. Who really needs map pressure, am I right?" Which is basically what a lot of people actually expect ironically or you're "sweaty".

    Also, if one of my teammates gives me a stupid hook rescue right in front of the killer I'm not blaming the killer, that's my own teammates fault for being stupid. I will and I expect the killer when I'm survivor to throw me a hit in that scenario because I don't want that bad teammate getting rewarded points for doing that. If I'm the killer I'll usually leave them on the ground a little and go after someone else to give them a chance before I come back, but I'm definitely not blaming the killer for that scenario.

  • EJmurdermain
    EJmurdermain Member Posts: 109

    Is it tunneling if everyone picks the same characters and barely change cosmetics? Like 4 Neas

  • johnmwarner
    johnmwarner Member Posts: 3,793

    This, some people are just really bad at avoiding the killer or hiding in any way.

    I think too many survivors have a way different definition of tunnel than I do. Like you said, focusing on one person and purposely ignoring others is tunneling. Just going after the first person you see if they’re the only person isn’t tunneling.

  • GodDamn_Angela
    GodDamn_Angela Member Posts: 2,213

    @johnmwarner "I think too many survivors have a way different definition of tunnel than I do. Like you said, focusing on one person and purposely ignoring others is tunneling. Just going after the first person you see if they’re the only person isn’t tunneling."

    I have the same definition. I don't like people using the term as a loose definition to define, basically, any form of downing/chasing/hooking in any amount of time against one Survivor.

  • DeadByMemelight
    DeadByMemelight Member Posts: 51

    I'd rather be tunneled all match than do gens. IMO the only people who whine about it are weak jukers or SWF who don't want to spectate their friends.

  • SpaceCoconut
    SpaceCoconut Member Posts: 1,962
  • toxic_clown
    toxic_clown Member Posts: 318

    i only tunnel when i can tell theyre sweating their balls off. like if a gen pops before my first hook, bet your booty, imma tunnel someone. get them out early so i can breathe.

    if ruin goes down right away, tunnel

  • Blackthunder3
    Blackthunder3 Member Posts: 2

    Something that a lot of people seem to forget is that this is, in a sense, an interactive slasher film. What do the killers do in those movies? They pick off the survivors one by one. No one seems to have an issue with that while watching a movie like Friday the 13th, but they do in the game because they aren't having fun. Why are they not having fun? It is because they are not surviving and "winning" 100% of the time.

    This is coming from someone who plays mainly as a survivor, and has died far more than I have survived. Am I complaining about it? No, I'm only saying that survivor mains don't seem to understand the basic idea of being a survivor is to avoid the killer at all costs. It is not a 100% survival opportunity.

  • Mr_X
    Mr_X Member Posts: 15

    I used to main killer, but play only survivor now as it takes too long to get killer games, but here's my experience.

    I think some tunneling is not intended. I never camp, so once I hook, if no survivors are nearby I go back to paroling gens. If there is an unhook, unless I'm in a new chase, I'm obviously going back as I'm now certain I know where two survivors are. They hear me coming, and hide. I now get to the area where one survivor is completely silent and hidden, and the other is injured and making a ton of noise. I can hear them a mile away and therefore the only rational choice is to focus on them again as they're the only survivor I currently know the location of.

  • Xerge
    Xerge Member Posts: 928
    edited November 2019

    Also, you can't really expect the killer to go for 6, 7 or 8 chases when four survivors are still alive and there are only 2 gens left. I don't think survivors think they should be rewarded with free escapes. The killer is not your team mate after all and you wouldn't make it easier for the killer either. I mostly play survivor and I don't have any problem with tunneling depending on the situation, but I agree it's boring, annoying and frustrating as hell to get tunneled to death when not a single gen has been done and ruin is still active.

  • johnmwarner
    johnmwarner Member Posts: 3,793

    The part about killer not being your teammate occurs to me too, Like survivors get mad if you don’t let the last one have hatch and decide to kill all 4... I always ask, “well if you got all 5 gens who was going to stay behind to let me hook them?”

  • Endstille
    Endstille Member Posts: 2,246
    edited November 2019

    Honest answer, no survivor that plays/played killer/survivor at high ranks will have hard feelings about it since they understand that when you play against decent survivors your gens gonna pop fast whether you bring ruin or not.

    The only people that have a problem with it and are salty about it are the ones that waste their time with everything else but doing the objective.

  • whammigobambam
    whammigobambam Member Posts: 1,201

    As a killer I refuse to fit into a mold. As a leather face I absolutely refuse to conform. I am not a complete douche. I am pretty empathetic at times but phrases like you shouldn't do a certain thing don't register when I'm trying to be a maniacal killer.