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Which Freddy Skin Would You Want First?

Rezblaze Member Posts: 843
edited November 2019 in Polls

Freddy Cosmetics! Its possible, and as a dream demon, creativity would go a long way. But we can start with what we've seen from film.

I haven't watched the movies except for some quick wiki articles.

First, we have New Nightmare Freddy. He slaying that Trench Coat.

A second option is to give Freddy Needle Claws, as seen here;

Personally I'd like Needle Claw Freddy first. New Nightmare would be harder to get I feel, but having a simple claw cosmetic would be fine by me. Freddy's appearance doesn't change too much so there's not a lot to go off of unless BHVR gets creative.

Which Freddy Skin Would You Want First? 54 votes

New Nightmare Freddy
MikeadatrixGuiltronWhite_OwlGibberishSeiko300PandomMister_xDJetTheWaffleCat0h_DoctorMiriamGbrokedownpalaceMicheal_MyersTragicSolitudeAxX7891RaptorrotasStrancolWalker_of_the_fog_96Boosted_DwightPyroDudesensualsatan 38 votes
Needle Claws
TapeKnotBlue_DiamondMedicSpirit7musstang62HudsondfrenchieeDr_LoomisoTechnicMrsGhostfacethenegativoneZackAndCodyTunnelVisionGorgonDorgonDustyDan31RezblazeRadrussian 16 votes
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