Help with facing plague


whats the best strategy from a survivor perspective when going against plague. Out of all the killers she is still the one i struggle to go against with. should i stay sick or cleanse. any help?


  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,516
    edited November 2019

    Generally no one should cleanse until the gates are powered.

    HOWEVER, this assumes you know how to loop well. Also if other people start cleansing you're kind of forced to now as well. I don't know what rank you're at but at lower ranks they will probably need to cleanse because of the lack of practice at looping. If she has her corrupt purge don't run in straight lines or in open fields, hug walls and curves. The vomit is a delayed projectile. You also get a map wide warning when she has it to pre-emptively hide.

    When it comes down to it she's just a large sized, big terror radius loopable killer. Being 1 hit from down doesn't mean much if you loop the pallets and windows well. She has nothing to help her chase in these scenarios.

    If yall aren't cleansing and she's still getting you, then you need practice looping more probably. Have your escape route always planned before she even shows up.