Rework Decisive strike.


It's a known fact that it's not just an anti tunneler perk anymore. It lasts far too long and allows a survivor to effectively have a get out of jail free card for what is almost an eternity in DBD and the fast paced gameplay. However I don't think that it's completely wrong, just has a bad design. 60 seconds of one sided gameplay that allows a killer to go off, hook/down several other survivors, then still come back and still get screwed over with just isn't good.

My suggested rework is this: Change it to infinite use instead of 1 time. After a survivor gets unhooked they have a 10 or 15 second window where if a killer initiates a chase with THEM then it adds a 30 second buff that allows them to use DS if downed.

If the survivor is not engaged in a chase and the initial timer goes out then they can't use it until they get unhooked again. Change DS to an exhaustion perk. If the survivor gets healed during the initial timer then it automatically deactivates.

If preventing tunneling is what you're trying to fix then I think this is a very fair rework. Otherwise DS is abused way too much.

Survivors complain about Spirit "mind games" but are perfectly fine with the similar and equally bullshit DS "mind games". Because a survivor MAY have a certain perk (they always do) a killer is forced to slug them or just ignore them because it's a one sided mechanic with no thought or counterplay.

It doesn't matter if there's tunneling or not because it's still pretty common to ignore the unhooked guy, go down and/or injure some different survivors, guard and kick some gens, then find the first guy with DS still up.


  • PistolTimb
    PistolTimb Member Posts: 1,414

    It's fine as it is. If you're really putting that much pressure on people, then that ds isn't gonna matter too much. Plus it means they can't use it again.

  • MissGamer456
    MissGamer456 Member Posts: 154

    I hardly ever get hit with DS as killer. The only time I get hit with DS is usually when I’m purposely tunneling a survivor who teabag me or If I want to purposely change someone else to be my Rancor Obsession. I think it’s fine were it is at. There’s no way you can Hook two survivors and get back to other guy and DS will still be active. If this is a case that actually keeps happening to you This means your survivors are completely bots/potatoes if they can’t even run you for 10-20seconds. When means that you’re at least grantee 3k or a 4K as I don’t see them making it out if they can’t even run you passed 10-20seconds.

  • xZeroStrike
    xZeroStrike Member Posts: 133

    As the others have stated, if you get hit by DS you're either tunneling, steamrolling the survivors, or you put yourself into that position by choice.

    Usually what'll happen when a survivor gets unhooked, they'll go hide and heal. That already wasted 20 seconds if not more of their DS timer. Meanwhile you, the killer, should be chasing someone else or patrolling generators, but likely chasing. By the time you get that person down and hooked, even more time of the DS will be lost. At this point, there should be, at most, ~20 seconds left.

    You then have to patrol generators, find that survivor, and then down them within ~10 seconds and have picked them up.

    Quite frankly your own doing if you get hit by DS so much it becomes an issue for you.