Yep, people let's raise the voice this time.
Annoyed to see that every thing that may encourage a different gameplay is actually being nerfed. Stop listening just some people complaining. They will always have to cry about something.
I won't spend a single cent more in this game, screw these DLCs if you are not even able to balance the game without making it plain boring.
64 -
The fact that you say ppl are crying about everything when they give clear valid points and u make a post like this rly says something. Big yikes..
40 -
I do like the Spirit, I like how she encourages a differnet style of gameplay. To be more predictive rather than reactive.
But I also think she can be a little bit (not completely) obvious with her power. I've said it before and I'll say it again, her glass breaking sound effect when she powers up, a semi-directional phasing sound, louder footprints. Stuff like this.
It won't break her but it also won't make her a complete nightmare to face if you don't know how to completely counter her. Because lets face it, this community will just cut off anything they dislike because Rank doesn't matter.
9 -
Wait, so your counter to people "complaining" as you put it is "raising your voice", caps lock, a threat to quit the game, and a demand to stop listening to complaints? Bruh what are you doing right now??
The arguments for Spirit fixes are sound, what you just said... sorry, complete opposite.
25 -
They don't need to touch spirit, but they'll do it sadly.
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We can do nothing. They already stated that they will nerf her, even though we have explained 1000 times the reasons not to. But it's like talking to a wall
Unfortunately, another win for survivors
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"Rin_is_my_waifu" I don't think anyone can take anything you say seriously with that name. Also maybe if you explained 1000 times without convincing anyone, maybe your argument was flawed/you were WRONG? just a thought.
44 -
Their explanations were : stop crying git gud
13 -
Change Prayer Beads. They are BS and ridiculously OP.
And as for the "no counterplay when she mind games you at pallets" can some one please explain to me when this all of a sudden became "unfun", "unfair" and "uncouterable"? Specifically, if you can provide the info, what changes have been made that has made it so?
6 -
They base these kind of decisions on raw data, and Spirit is a type of killer that has the most high disconnection/play rate. DC is an important factor. And devs have to take this important data into account to keep their servers alive with players. DbD lost almost 50.000 players in less than 4 months. They have to do something.
Post edited by Rizzo on2 -
Do as many hashtags as you want, Spirit WILL get changed no matter what. They "slightly" changed nurse basekit, something not many were actively asking for so you can just imagine what is going about to happen with spirit with aaaaalll the complains and DCs.
0 -
you cannot put down losing players purely down to one killer that's just completely stupid.
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Nurse has been complained about ever her since release , with more eficient yet easier killers (i.e. old legion , spirit , Freddy after rework , Ghostface) she became less popular but it didn't change the fact that Nurse mains were demolishing survivors no matter what .
3 -
Wrong. People complained about her addons 90% of the time, the minority was complaining about her basekit. But this minority is the same group who complains about clown being to strong.
4 -
Also link me one Nurse main who still demolishes very optimal swf groups. I can name you one with 7k hours legacy p3 nurse main who can't anymore.
1 -
Main complain about Nurse ever since her release was ignoring survivors means of defends (i.e. windows and pallets) , sure she requires different approach (hiding , breaking LoS) but on some maps (blood lodge , wretched shop etc) it's either extremely hard or just impossible to pull . Not to mention her extreme slug potential . Those nerfs were justified , only closeminded Nurse mains with idea of 'winning = 4k' have problems about that .
9 -
Another "win" for the "survivors" ... are you kidding me?
I pretty much think devs have statistics that show how likely it is to survive against a Spirit. And they will change it based on this statistics.
11 -
'very optimal swf group' . Sound like Tru3whiner . I don't take his fanboys seriously .
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There is a reason they're changing her.
2 -
What? Because I use a term I'm a "tru3whiner" and "fanboy"? Jeez I can't take you serious lol
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This content has been removed.
Yep . 'Optimal swf team/ optimal team' is a tru3 terminology . Also you share his opinion about Nurse nerf pretty much shows who you are
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Do these statistics include those survivors who killed themselves on 1st hook and those who died because their teammates DCed?
She will be changed because survivors refuse to adapt and want easy wins. The game is 4v1. If survivors are happy = more money for cosmetics
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Nah she needs some small nerfs.
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Spirit players want easy 4k every single game and refuse to acknowledge that she is broken/unbalanced .
9 -
Yeah I can 4k very easily at rank 1 against sweaty SWF teams. *facepalm*
And SWF is not broken at all. Only spirit
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I wouldn't change a thing about her, but that's just me.
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Lets just hope that they dont nerf her to the ground...
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Honestly this was bound to happen, Spirit is the only character in the game which doesn't give any kind of feedback from the surv's perspective. And it's just painful to gamble since most of the time you will lose against her for that same reason.
EDIT: Meant Surv's perspective, my bad.
7 -
The devs have shown clear bias and the only arguments I hear are the coin flip nonsense and constant bickering from those who fall for the standing still mind game all the time
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1 -
Yes..the cash bags are upset
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I wish they would change her voice tbh, it's not creepy it's comedic.
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Much wow, big brain logic lmao
Just for you "efficient swf groups"
You happy now?
0 -
Just leave Spirit the way she is and change her name to:
3 -
Standing still is a problem not cause people fall for that , but because spirit observes what survivor does and responds accordingly without notifying said survivor . You walk/run away - she phases to you and hits , you stand - still she phrases to you and hits .
9 -
except she still goes blind during the wind up so you have enough time to change positions..and you simply observe what she does and next time..you know their choice of approach now dont you?
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Are you serious? There's barely any time at all, let alone she can still hear your footsteps, what you say would just never work.
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I play as and against her quite well enough to understand how she works..why not try it and practice it before saying something unfounded..
0 -
Been there, done that.
The problem is not saying something unfounded, it's the fact that some of you people just reject things as they truly are, and try to find the smallest reason to keep it that way.
Spirit is a gambling machine, chances are you are dead on your spot most of the time.
4 -
If shes such a gamble I should head to vegas..because I sure know how to keep her busy from time to time, and when playing her I dont gamble I predict..which thanks to my overall game knowledge of both sides allows me to usually gauge how good someone is and what they'll likely do..obviously nobody is always correct but the thing I always found funny Is if spirit is really a coin flip..shes technically the most fair thing in dbd lol
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Provide us with link to your steam profile 'mr both sides'
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What keeps a player playing a video game? Having fun.
What doesn't? Heavily trying to balance the game on a competitive level like some people want... aka the tru3 community lol
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All killers should feel like spirit in the sense that you should play different against Every killer.
Right now spirit is only killer u need to change how u play it gives flavour, nurse use to be like that now shes just unfun. All other killer are the same M1 M1 Run around smack there no variety
2 -
Or, you know, because her killrate is much higher than it should be?
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yet hers isnt even the highest..so..yeeeeah..
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Did you notice thatt scott never follows up on anything he says? I suggested to him to play 100 games as spirit vs optimal swf. I also siggested he participate in the next tournament hosted by marth to proof that there is no counterplay yet nothing. Quite strange considering he was so vocal to be challenged.
3 -
Tru3 has his own terminology interesting, since that term is known by any decent player.