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How to "ADAPT" against the rise of keys?



  • Member Posts: 135

    It's always entertaining reading these threads and seeing the bullshit survivor and killer mains post, depending on who is posting the game is 100% 4ks or 100% full escapes, there is no middle ground.

    It's no wonder the devs ignore the forums when it's full of such diverse bullshit

  • Member Posts: 102

    Exactly. I hate this mentality that killers are entitled to 4Ks. I think that the EGC is exposing a lot of mediocre killers and they're salty af about it.

  • I just tunnel the **** out of them.

  • Member Posts: 85

    Actually hatch spawns in whenever it’s last survivor no matter how many gens done

    If you forgot it was updated a while ago

  • Member Posts: 275

    The addons for those were nerfed so they are less good now then before

  • Member Posts: 2,047

    But they still viable ( at least the Styptic is ) and the Medkits themselves are still very good and viable items.

  • Member Posts: 230

    This thread makes the case for ds to come back the old way harder and stronger. Most of you I see lying on other threads about how you don't hard tunnel and face camp but the truth always comes out. You don't accidentally run into survivors off the hook, you camp and tunnel them. Hopefully we see a rise in key availibily and the option for survivors to average 4ks 😂 😂 😂

    Watch for the rage posts tonight about survivors being toxic to the tunneling killers because my team definitely is going to be tonight 😉

  • Member Posts: 35

    You can find items on the map .. the killer can't find add-ons, yes mori's need change since when i play a survivor i'm the first to be moried 90% of the time, still 4 ppl can rotate who brings keys but killer can't.

  • Member Posts: 4,212

    Just don't let them do gens. Same with moris just don't let them down you.

  • Member Posts: 1,300

    It would actually be interesting if the hatch can be damaged and the only thing that can open it is a broken key

  • Member Posts: 12,871

    I hope you are not seriously announcing your intent to be toxic.

  • Member Posts: 2
    edited November 2019

    To the idiot suggesting slug. Congrats. Your the reason I suggest people disconnect If they get slugged in order to allow their other mate to escape in hatch. You wanna slug? Don't get salty if we dc to undo it. Infact I have a pre set spam macro to tell all survivors in lobby to flail if they are being camped for gen focus and to DC if they get slugged.

  • Member Posts: 2,600

    the hard counter to keys is to start slugging before the hatch appears in an attempt to get everybody down.

    The hatch spawns when Gens complete+survivors dead/exit = 5. So start slugging before that number comes up.

    That's the best counter to the tactic.

  • Member Posts: 614

    Purple insta heal - there is no insta heal anymore I guess you need to read patch notes again

    BNP - useless and boring/ doing gens in general is boring

    Super heal medkits - the change was for healing others - literally NOBODY uses medkits on others unless its endgame and you still have chanrges, self healing is just normal

    Insta-blind flashlights - extremely hard to use, you need perfect timing, running after someone else which means u do no gens, after 700h I have just 1 flashlight save that I remember

    Dead Hard for free mistake - very easy to counter by any killer with brain

    Decisive Strike for free invulnerability - forced upon survivors because the KILLERs are camping simple as that - I'D F... LOVE if I never had to put it on but I do after every match I spent on hook facecamped

    Adrenaline for free mistake - good perk for doing objecives

    Borrowed Time for free mistake - was made to counter campers / again I'd love not to use it but ... camping yea I live by you I die by you

    Various gen rush builds for quick escape matches - these are stupid for sure and boring

    Balanced Landing for infinites - you are bad at map reading/taking shortcuts/mindgaming/, still good perk

    Lithe for free time waster - ??????? / garabge perk hello ? /

    Unbreakable - 1 in a million matches use

    WGLF to set the killer back in hardly any time at all - I really don't understand this one I am sorry - this perk is just so bad compared to the killers BBQ

    SWF to gain information not meant to be given to you - majority of players are solo ...

    Hatch for free escape for being immersed - yes !

    The only trend I noticed is how the devs are desperately trying to give us something uselful while the real problem is we just can't afford it to use it cause we have to get these anticamping perks/items to have any chance to survive

  • Member Posts: 6,807

    Try using Infectious fright and slugging.

  • Member Posts: 614

    You just admited you camped someone and you called them toxic for using game mechanics ? my head .... What do you think that makes you ? What the hell is even a pallet run vs a Bubba. DId you not break a safe pallet and run in a circle for an hour like some of my rank 2 headless survivors solo friends ?

    In general playing vs SWFs will always suck and has nothing to do with the keys ...

  • Member Posts: 838

    Tru, Tru. And killer's slash survivors* because they don't like a certain killer.

    *Pun intended.

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