Making Solos more Comparable to SWF


So a big problem in this game is the difference in strength between a solo team and SWF team. The lack of information provided by the game at the base level with no perks makes SWF much stronger than solo. Now a team of friends working with each other who communicate and work cooperatively well will always be better than any group of randoms, but things can be done that will close this gap so that killers can be balanced at a level that is fair to everyone, Solos, SWFs, and killers. In order to achieve this we just add some base features to the game that give solo survivors information about one another.

My proposition is and update to the survivor HUD. The new hud would have all current information in addition to

1) Totem Counter (survivor and killer)

2) An indicator to see what action a survivor is currently doing and their rough progress on it (survivor only)

*By rough progress I mean showing in 8ths how close the action is to done.

3) a chase indicator that appears on the survivor who is being chased

The reason the totem counter should be added is that an SWF team achieves this by simply tell each other when they break totems. This makes dealing with totems a serious challenge and time sink for solo players who are doing the totems, but is trivial for a coordinated SWF.

The reason for the indicator for what a survivor is currently doing is to help make decisions. You can see what other people are up to and roughly how far they are through it and use that information when deciding what you are going to do, especially when going for an unhook. Going for unhooks is a minor thing people don't realise SWF have such a big advantage in. An SWF won't send more people than necessary to the hook to unhook. A solo team by nature is prone to playing non-optimally and this fixes that. Some people recommend kindred as base kit but I think this is a better solution as it's active all the time, meaning it makes solo equal to SWF at all times (rather than just when someone is hooked) and requires you to think more since it isn't outright telling you other survivors positions.Kindred is information that is stronger than an SWFs (who can't always give exact locations).

Chase indicator is probably the most obvious one. Even a barely coordinated SWF will know who is being chased if anyone.