Do you guys think keys are fair?



  • MissGamer456
    MissGamer456 Member Posts: 154

    Keys are fail safe escape for survivors just as tunneling camping slugging, relying on NOED and moris are fail safe for killers. I play both sides so I think keys are fine though they can be frustrating, but doesn’t require change. Some people fail to realize for the hatch to spawn x amount of gens are required to be done unless you are the last survivor.

    I think everyone main issue is either “Killer Entitlement” killers thinking that should always get a 4K OR that 3 man escape which can be very annoying and irritating, but can be justified depending on the situation. If you three genned yourself and killer isn’t going to move from that area (gen camp) than the key (hatch) is your fail safe to get out. If the killer is tunnel that 1 survivor and they bought you enough time to get 4 gens done and now they are dead so hatch can spawn. It is the killer fault and they probably could’ve had more kills before x amount gens got done if they weren’t tunneling and they can’t complain same thing with camping killers.

    Now see if 3 people escape via the hatch and you played your match very well with 1 generator left and there was no camping no tunneling no slugging this is were I find keys to be frustrating and why people are call it a cheap/easy escape for the remaining survivors. If someone managed to find a key in a chest this is truly unfortunate. People who bring keys can easily be countered.

    I tend to play my matches by giving each of my survivors a chance to make points and feel like they have a chance at winning. Slugging someone who just got farmed is not fun, tunneling someone for no reason is not fun (teabaggers are worthy of the tunneling) camping without a camping build is no fun. It’s lame and boring, but when I see 3 people escape via the hatch just so easily and no one brought a key I will be upset, but I’ll get over it.

    I think a 2 man escape via the hatchis fair because In order for the hatch to appear 2 gens must be left for hatch to spawn. 1 v 2 is just unbalanced already how do you expect causal survivors to do 2 gens and get out. Don’t get me wrong there are survivors who can run killers for that 200+ secs for that to happen, but usually towards the end some chases are depended on how many/ long loop and pallets there are left and the survivors ability to use them effectively to buy time. Not to mention what is killer has NOED. It’s quite hard to break every totem with just 2 people alive.

    And lastly the last guy escaping through the hatch with a key after you just closed it is completely fine. They have a slim chance of getting out through the gate if the gate are really close to each other. If you are really complaining about this you are really just entitled to kill that last guy. There’s nothing to explain here.

    Survivors are supposed to survive, Killers are supposed to kill. You win some, You lose some.

  • TeambossFloze
    TeambossFloze Member Posts: 1,260

    No I dont

  • TeambossFloze
    TeambossFloze Member Posts: 1,260

    I do like the idea above that keys should take some time to unlock the lock and maybe an animation of you "opening the hatch" If its closed like

  • Saitamfed
    Saitamfed Member Posts: 1,623
    edited November 2019

    Well, we need to think. The game is supposed to be fair? No.

    If DBD were meant to be fair... survivors & killers wouldn't have perks. Why? Because they give you an unfair advantage. Survivors & killers wouldn't have item nor add-ons either. Why? Because they give you a boost.

    The game should be balanced, meaning survivors & killers both having chances to win. The concept OP should be about the balance as well...

    Keys are fine and have just one use... open the hatch. Are they a cheap escape? No, because in order to spawn the hatch, you need more gens than people alive or that a single survivor is alive. A killer can close the hatch but that doesn't mean that's a guaranteed victory. Some people think key is unfair because they think it is.

    4 survivors escaping via the hatch it's very unlikely, and if they do then you're not good as a killer. It's an achievement as well and a very hard one. Not a lot of people have it because it is.

    So, yes keys are fine and should stay, they don't provide a cheap escape.

    We don't need to forget that a killer hear the hatch sound farest than a survivor.

  • driesth
    driesth Member Posts: 12

    Keys are fair as you need to do (number of survivors alive + 1) generators before the hatch spawns but the chance you can get a dull or skeleton key while running Plunderer's Instinct needs to be nerfed.

  • CotJocky
    CotJocky Member Posts: 221

    We've nerfed the insta-blind bulbs because they weren't fair, we nerfed brand new part (multiple times) because it wasn't fair, we nerfed syringe and styptic because they weren't fair, the survivor blood web is already full of "ultra rare" items that you are sometimes forced to buy for 7K BP when in reality they aren't worth 3K BP. The only pink or purple items still remotely worth the BP they cost is the two keys. Instead of nerfing all these items, they should just flat out remove them. They are as useful as a green map or a green key; absolute garbage. I'd much rather see more flashlights, toolboxes and med kits in my blood web than this current expensive trash. At least those items do still serve a purpose and are useful.

    If we are going to remove/nerf the last useful items in the survivor blood web, then I think it is time to remove all Mori's. They are "fun" for killers and they are OP. We just can't have that and it be balanced.

    For people that have played this game for a good while, the syringe/styptic saves, the flashlight saves, the multiple survivor hatch escapes, (and killer bullying in general) these are the only entertainment that long time players can find in a game that has had one single solitary "mode" for 3.5 years. The only thing left now is being an annoying prick with a flashlight and trying to bully a killer. We are eventually going to nerf the game until it is vanilla on both sides. How long can you play a game where you start 5 gens, open an exit gate and walk out the door before it gets super boring. How many times can you slug and camp people to secure a 4K over and over until it just becomes super boring. This is what we are trying to boil the game down to. We are slowly sucking all fun out of this game.

    I don't disagree this game is "survivor sided" when you are using a "perfect killer" vs a "perfect SWF". Some maps are more survivor sided than others, that's a fact, especially when it comes to killers that are less mobile. But in our quest for balance, the only thing we are doing is nerfing, and removing anything that was "fun".

    Maybe the clear answer is that WE NEED DIFFERENT GAME MODES. We can have a more fair "competitive mode" for those that constantly complain about balance and not being able to 4K every game. And we can have other modes for people that don't want to take this game SO ######### SERIOUS, but also don't want to play KYF for zero blood points. I don't think nerfing the current BP payout in in a casual mode is going to fly. Instead, an increased BP payout for the competitive mode would be more viable.

    This game will never find balance and the closer we try to get to it, the more boring this game gets. Adding more cosmetics and killer/survivor DLC's just doesn't add much "fun". The only "fun" I've seen added to this game from a DLC in a long time was the Head On perk from Jane. That resulted in lots of new killer bullying, double and triple stuns and in general forehead survivor plays that brought laughter into the game.

    If you think back, when you first started playing games, your initial thought wasn't, I'm gonna start doing this so I can dominate other people or be a champion. You started playing games because you thought it would be "fun". Some of us never lost that mentality and just can't acquire the mindset that playing games is super serious competition and fun only comes from "winning".

    Tl;dr: Things like trying to nerf/remove items from the game only makes it more and more boring to play, instead, we need separate modes for competition where the game can be balanced towards fairness and fun modes where fun items, add-ons and offerings can be left in place.

  • terumisan
    terumisan Member Posts: 1,297
    edited November 2019

    The game punishes you for bringing a mori so it's a win the battle lose the war since you'll depip if you use a mori especially an ebony unlike keys which reward you for escaping by giving more points

  • SnakeSound222
    SnakeSound222 Member Posts: 4,467

    I really like that you gave the Dull Key a longer aura reading duration and gave the Broken Key an actual use without add-ons. The rest of your changes are cool too.

  • Jakojo
    Jakojo Member Posts: 214

    As a survivor main, no they aren't. There are so many times I've gotten a cheap escape because I found a key with PI and got hatch mid chase. Even in real life, opening a lock takes longer.

  • DepressedClownMain
    DepressedClownMain Member Posts: 924

    First of all, a poll would have offeres a more decisive answer no?

    In my opinion, keys are unfair. They allow survivors to escape, avoiding killer strategies like 3 gens, endgame perks and others. Overall, they offer a lot of impact with almost zero requirements

  • anonymous31337
    anonymous31337 Member Posts: 192

    I don't like 3 survivors escaping with 1 gen left, because it awards stupid plays (3gen).

    Other than that I think keys are fine.