Ps4 survivor queues zzzZ

Is there a killer mentality to the lobby dodge? I hate that they have the power to deny you a game. Or two or three. For upwards to 20 minutes. I understand the meaning of giving the killer a choice but it is a sense of entitlement, right? Eye for an eye? Defeat? Isn't there a fix for this can't the lobby that was made still stay and another killer queue in?


  • StardustSpeedway
    StardustSpeedway Member Posts: 882

    The killer dodging the lobby is infuriating. Pick a certain character with certain outfits? Dodge. Bring items? Dodge. Enter the lobby at the same time as others even though I'm solo? Dodge.

    I would not have a problem with killers dodging the lobby if the matchmaking did not take FOREVER to find a match as a survivor on PS4. But it does. Just now I've been trying to find a match as a survivor for the past 20 minutes and finally connect to one. What happens? Lobby dodge. Geez.