Balance around fun.

So the latest dev stream they said something that really annoyed me.
They where talking about the nurse changes and the spirit "overperforming". And thats when he said they didnt want to nerf or buff any killers, just simply make them more fun to play against AND as, but as we all know the nurse is ONLY more fun to play against now. They actually decreased her "funnes" to play as tremendously.
They did achieve what they wanted and removed all the OP addons, but took it one step further and ruined her basekit aswell with absolutely no compensation to give the player playing AS the nurse to have more fun.
They did the same with the pig. Removed her most fun aspect. The endgame pig. They gave survivors an easier time against pig to have more "fun", but gave nothing in return for the player playing AS the pig.
They did the same thing, but! on steroids to legion. What did they give him in return? 5% movement speed increase that people already wanted before his power was basically removed. Again giving one side more "fun", but not the player playing AS the legion.
And now the spirit is next to be tweaked to be more "fun". And going from the track record it is going to be one sided again. And this is worrying considering the nurse (which is now so infuriating to play as "without addons") and spirit where the only two killers that could go 1vs1 without the survivor having full controll of the situation (the good ones that is).
And i would like to add that in general i feel the devs are actually removing! "fun" from the game by taking out everything that give each trial it's uniqeness. Syringe is now trash. Why would you ever run this still! Ultra rare addon instead of a medkit that can heal you faster. Stypti agent is actually better in my opinion, but has a short activation time limiting its actual usefulness. Bnp could be made to something fun aswell, but remains overpriced and higly unused because its not that good.
And we will undoubtedly see some changes to mories, keys and ultra rares that actually change the trial to be something more bland and not gamechanging.
And this in my opinion is not fun. To have a supposed RNG based random everything can happen type of game become the same feel every single match...
I might have been playing this game for to long to have some of these, i guess unpopular opinions, but i've always loved going against opponents with a few aces ready to turn the tides...
This is probably the main reason she is getting changed.
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Do they include suicides and deaths because of DCs?
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They also said that freddy has the highest kill rate of all killers currently, but he isn't getting changed anytime soon. And not that he needs it except the oblivious nonsense.
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They don't include dc's BUT! im fairly certain they still include the remaining 3 that didnt dc so the stats are very skewed and take in all the farming games and survivors just giving up the minute its not in their liking.
You can't balance around 2ks, because THEY are rare. Its either a full team swipe 3/4K or a full 3/4 man escape. The middleground is not happening in my games atleast. And i 4K most often because of survivors not really trying or their red rank friends bring their rank 15+ friends into my high rank matches!
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Tweak X Mechanics and Soft Nerf Pig seems to be the trend.
They seem to care about a survivors fun more then a killers fun which is actually worse then babying new survivors. While I understand that 1/5th of the Trial/Game is a minority, but what if the killers finally just say "[BAD WORD] This" and go find another game. This effectively just means that by favoring one side "for fun" your making the other side not have fun. They will eventually leave and go find another game which is legitimately going to put strain on the player base.
TLDR: Dev's slowly killing game by focusing on one sides "fun" more than the others without compromises.
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That's what I'm saying. I believe the stats are mostly inaccurate because of these factors. But the devs have already taken their decision :(
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Do you know why they care only for survivors fun? Because they won't spend money on cosmetics, if they don't find the game fun and also the playerbase is mostly survivors, so survivor's fun > killer's fun
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They said that they can filter out dc's but I don't know if these include them
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Maybe its like this, replace the word "fun" with interesting. I know its "fun" for you to just run survivor teams over but its not very interesting game play for either side. More "fun" means less brain dead. So yes they are SLOWLY removing all the things people use to make a "feel bad" gaming experience for the other side.
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Maybe he has the highest kill rate on all ranks combined? I really wish we had some kill rates on red ranks only.
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I don't mean the number of people who DC, but the number of survivors who died because their teammate/s DCed or killed themselves on first hook
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I'm agreeing at your pointy but as a killer, that is in the game since the early days 2016, nothing can stop me from being addicted.
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Maybe they only count the matches that don't have any dc's? I don't know if they can filter out suicides though. I hope they explain how they calculate these stats
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What about matches where people just suicide because they dont like a certain map/killer/addon/offering?
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Killers get cosmetics too. Just less of them because we rarely get good ones that synch with other outfits. Currently the only two I have liked as mixed sets.
Likewise been playing a long time at this point. I doubt I'll leave unless something honestly irritates me to the point I would rather leave. Having Pig continously Soft Nerf is getting me annoyed, then my first main was Nurse who got changed literally no one asked for it till they mentioned it other then addons, and next is Spirit.
I did drop playing PC for awhile simply because Dedicated servers are a mess. So just been playing on PS4.
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Got no console so i have to deal with the dedicated mess sadly.
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I'm sorry D:
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Getting stuck with a weaker version of a character you enjoy playing is never fun, even if the character was ridiculously powerful to begin with. The power is probably what drew you to the character in the first place; I know that's true for me with Spirit. It's inevitable that I will enjoy her less if she is made less dominant, regardless of how they decide to do it.
I want to again point out a big part of the reason why this rubs everyone the wrong way as severely as it does: The "balance timeline," as it were, comes across as extraordinarily irresponsible. Spirit has existed this way since her launch 14 months ago, and it's positively baffling that they are identifying her as a problem only now. Nurse was in the same boat, only more so. If something exists a certain way for this long, you can't just suddenly sound the alarm and not expect people to go "#########? Why is this suddenly an urgent matter?"
In terms of the bigger picture, Behaviour can't seem to get its act together, insofar as anything resembling a rapid response to balance defects or even just quality of life issues. The other night, I read a tweet from early 2018 where McCote said "We want this too!" in response to a question about season-based rank rewards. It's now almost 2020. This illustrates the entire problem with this game.
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Freddy is clown with a teleport, which coincidentally makes him balanced but objectively the strongest killer if you have prediction and map awareness. In that instance you aren't killed by "Freddy" you're killed by game knowledge. If a killer loses a chase or mispredicted his teleport he can lose momentum quickly.
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Its bs
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If it's actually 3 kills per game on average I don't think it's bs at all.
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Yeah..due to her DC rate..because how can that be true..if other killers have higher kill rates than her..?
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Devs said they can filter out dc's but I don't know if they did on these stats. We need some red rank only stats and not all ranks overall.
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You know they armt filtering dcs..and even then theres hook suicides, intentional feeding , farming team mates, stuff they dont filter out or cant
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Its not just about fun, its more about fair playability. Spirit is not a fair opponent in the utmost games, cause she lacks any kind of do-able counterplay, and no, guessing isnt a counterplay. There is literally no point in playing against someone of the same rank (esp. redranks) who can use Spirit, cause shes completely outplaying any chase interactions. That needs to be fixed, like Nurse was fixed because of this and she still does well in the right hands, like its supposed to be.
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They should have only changed nurses addons but they butchered the base kit which took away any map pressure of a killer that moves slower then a survivor.
Without any addons survivor can just hold W and he will escape the nurse.
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The speed at which balance tweaks take place is extraordinarily slow. I think part of that reason is that their balance targets seem to be set around rank 12-15. And it's why their balance changes with killers often don't make sense in the context of higher rank games. Most purple and red rank players would agree Trapper bag should be baseline. But imagine Trapper with 3 traps at rank 15.
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It doesn't matter what their baseline balance targets are, things shouldn't move so glacially.
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It's just the entire way they go about updating the game..
And before anyone says "iF yOu ArE sO SmArT wHeReS uR gAmE?11", I do not claim developing asymmetrical horror games is a breeze, and I have no clue how to even code anything, but I've been gaming my whole life and I can tell when developers are listening to feedback and really trying to improve the game for the players.
I do not think the DBD devs know very well what is best for their game, and yet they make rash decisions on both new and existing content that just do not work most of the time.
Some DLC is rushed out to the PTB with minimal optimization every 3 months (which is super quick for the size of their team). The content is alright but the new mechanics/changes/balance bring with them tons of (often game breaking) bugs, now the devs have only 2 weeks to address the bugs and balance the killer and suvivor (perks) before they go live. Naturally the bug fixing HAS to take priority and we're left with absolutely no changes to the content even if overwhelming feedback was given, or worse yet, they massively nerf stuff so they don't risk outrage (like Freddy when he came out) and just say "We'll fix that in the future".
This MO of releasing half-assed content every 3 months that they KNOW will have to be changed/reworked later just makes their resources and time stretch thinner and thinner, it is not a sustainable way to develop a game, or do anything really. Why can't we have optimized, well though-out content every 6 months instead? Where the PTB is much longer and feedback can actually be tested and bugs fixed BEFORE the content comes out?
That isn't the only problem, the devs also suffer from a "nerf instead of buff" mentality where if something is too strong, they decide to immediately nerf it instead of buffing the other side's counterplay to it. Then the other side becomes a bit too strong because they do not have to deal with the aforementioned thing and so they get a nerf too. This becomes a vicious cycle where each side gets progressively more superficial to play and requires less skill, effectively killing the fun for most people who enjoy challenging games and creating a boring, repetitive experience that they try to refresh with super often new content (unsuccessfully).
DLC is released too often for it to be balanced and bug free, likewise the PTB is too shorty to fix both the bugs and do the balancing (former takes priority). This means everything has to be eventually "reworked" anyway which wastes time and resources.
Devs prefer to nerf each side back and forth instead of buffing the counterplay to something that is too powerful, making the game superficial, repetitive and quite frankly boring.
I just wished the devs were more about quality instead of quantity, but they gotta get the revenue from somewhere right? No matter how bad that content is, it will not be delayed or pushed back when there's money to be made.
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very well written. I agree with everything you said
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That's what bothers me though. This was such a nice humble game and now all that matters is what will make them the most money. How many cosmetic wearing killers do you see compared to survivors. Basically none. That is why the survivors are prioritized. They need to realize that the killers make the game too. Without killers, there is no game. Without survivors, there is no game. If you ask me they seem to think that a challenge is none as "not fun" which causes them to side with survivors and nerd everything while making tweaks to survivor items to "compensate". Besides from band new part which used to be stupid let's compare.
An entire killer gets redone to be basically a tenth of its power and not fun to use.
An item is weakened.
See the difference devs.
I love this game and have been playing since Michael was added and I hate seeing the devs nosediving this beautiful game. Please don't hex: ruin the killer experience.