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The Emblem System

OrscristXD Member Posts: 6
edited November 2019 in Polls

Look I know for a fact that I am not the only one who is enraged by campers and tunnelers just trying to rank up or complete some adept challenge. I doubt there are any changes coming to the emblem system anytime soon but I for one believe that there needs to be some tweaking. I shouldn't be penalized for someone face camping me when I'm on the hook. I shouldn't lose rank progression for that for a couple reasons. Reason one being that I wouldn't get the chance to play the objective or be altruistic because the killer happened to find me first and doesn't let the other players save me, so OBVIOUSLY I wouldn't get enough points. Reason two being that videogames are about fun and lets be honest here, those kinds of killers hex ruin all the fun. Sorry I had too.(wouldn't be surprised if someone disagrees with me because I made that joke). And reason 3...Killers shouldn't be awarded for unskillful plays. Face camping is not skillful and I really don't think that someone should rank up because they sat at a hook for 3 minutes. I understand that there are perks that help such as deliverance but a player has to spend auric cells, buy the dlc, or wait who knows how long for the shrine of secrets to have deliverance in it. There has to be a way for all survivors to avoid ranking down when faced with a killer. Here are a couple solutions I have come up with.

  1. Set up a point deduction system - So this would work to stop the killer from camping. Have a set amount of time that a killer stays in the hook zone and if they pass it they lose points. There can also be one for tunneling. For example if a killer chases a survivor for a certain amount of time once they've been hooked, within a certain amount of time they would lose points.
  2. Get rid of the emblem system - I already am not a huge fan of this system, I think there are many reasons a killer or survivor might lose points for stupid reasons. What they would do instead, I'm not sure but feel free to leave comments about possible solutions. Perhaps something to do with effort given, therefore if you don't have the chance to then you wouldn't rank down.
  3. Change the offerings - Add an offering that works similar to deliverance so that survivors can really get away from the camping
  4. Put Deliverance in the shrine of secrets a decent amount of time - self explanatory here

Please comment the number of the solution you see as the best one. Ex. 1,2,3,4 or add a new new number ex. 5 and I think devs should do... or change...

If I'm wrong and people disagree then I will accept that but I'm willing to bed I'm not.