keys were never okay but I know how to fix them.

keys suck, lets be real. they have no counter and they give survivors undeserved escapes, screwing killers who could've done really well.
I just played a game as trapper where I got 1 sacrifice and there was 1 gen left to do, and the hatch spawned right next to the last gen with progress. the 3 remaining survivors decided to lure me to the hatch just to watch all 3 of them jump into it. The key was plundered so I don't know what kind it was. I could've gotten at least brutal killer but I got entity displeased because they screwed me.
Here are some changes that I think should be made to keys so they don't screw killers as much.
- can be used to open black locks, fully depletes the key's energy upon use
- when opening a black lock, the hatch will stay open for 10 seconds before automatically closing OR will allow 2 survivors (including the user) to escape through it before it closes.
- can be used to open black locks, fully depletes the key's energy upon use
- allows ONLY the user to escape through the hatch, the hatch will close after the key is used
An add-on could be created that is very rare, that only when using it will allow the key to open the hatch. This will make plundered keys less useful unless they are lucky enough to get the add-on.
I understand where you're coming from but in your situation the team you were against was able to get most of the gens done meaning they did kinda earn the hatch escape.
You only got one sacrifice? I would suggest maybe not focusing on one person too much. I've played dozens upon dozens of games where I chase a survivor the whole match only for his team to escape .
You could also put on more perks to slow the game down a little , I would suggest using Ruin and/or corrupt intervention if you have it . maybe even Pop.
anyways , don't take that match too personal . just look back at it and think about what you could have done better.
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I tried super hard not to tunnel but this one claudette was a potato..
I was running both Ruin and Corrupt Intervention, as well as Sloppy Butcher and Discordance.
The map was huge and I had my traps semi spread out so if someone stepped on them I couldn't make it to them before they escaped (I admit this was a bad choice for me)
I would've done good if they didn't just jump into the hatch all at once while I was forced to watch. As I mentioned, 2 were on death hook.
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I feel ya , trapper can be a hard SOB to use in giant maps . you'll get em next time dont worry man !
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That's a nice suggestion but I think keys have to allow 4 survivors to escape in some way because there is an achievement for that and devs can't change them as far as I know.
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what about tuft curl of hair, tombstone, prayer beads, shall i go on? if you want us to give up OP stuff then why dont you go first since they just nerfed syringes
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this is the problem the community is having , both are broken and need a tune up . arguing over what should be nerfed first wont do anything but cause conflict.
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I don't like the idea of survivors being able to cheese their way out.
Either all five generators get completed and the survivors open the gates, or the last survivor will have to fight the killer over the hatch.
It's that simple.
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They didn't screw you over, they escaped... as survivors are suppose to try and do.
Unless the Devs decide to removes keys they really don't need a change. They work as intended. They are a clutch item that helps survivors reach their objective faster (just like moris do for killers).
Don't take this the wrong way, but if 3-4 survivors escape by hatch then they are either really good/ highly coordinated, or the killer didn't apply enough pressure to the survivors.
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4 survivor escape through hatch = 5 gen done to make hatch spawn + key use
3 survivor escape through hatch = 4 gen done to make hatch spawn + key use
2 survivor left, at this case there are only 2 case: escape through hatch with 3 gen done to make hatch spawn + key use; or 1 die so the hatch open.
I can say, its not like survivor did nothing to not deserve the hatch. Except the last survivor with 0 gen done.
I think the EGC starts right away when the 3rd Survivor dies without hatch spawn, so the only way out is 2 gates (this should be work with 0 or 1 gen done) to prevent 1 survivor escape with key while 0 gen done.