Custom Chapter:Disguise Your Demise

Killer:The Shapeshifter
Terror Radius:32m(Standard)
Walking Speed:115%
Lunging Speed:172.5%(Standard)
Carrying Speed:92%(Standard)
***Mori:***He takes out his bat, and proceeds to smack his victim with the bat repeatedly, before turning his bat face down, and bringing it down on the survivors head.
Weapon Of Choice:Bat
***Background:***Norman Bates always loved to pretend to be his friends and family, he was a nice kid, but sometimes people said that, it was really realistic, sometimes to the point where they would mistake him for the real person. After the years went by, he used his skills to get people he didn't like in trouble, often getting them killed, or putting them in jail. One day he saw a man, with a hood, the man approached him, suddenly the streets were empty, he closed his eyes backing up, when he opened them, the man was gone and he was in the woods,with a bag with mask in it.
***Killer Power(Shapeshift):***When this perk is used, he shapeshifts into a random killer and gets their powers, with one difference, the effect only last 5 minutes before he changes back to himself, however he can stack the minutes, changing from killer to killer after the time is up.
***Static Shock:"Who knew a bat could do that much damage?!"***After damaging a generator, any survivor that fails a skill check on that generator, their aura gets revealed to the killer for 5/10/20 seconds, and the survivor gets the hindered status effect for 20 seconds /40 seconds /rest of the game.
***Hex:Whos That?:"What you don't know will definitely kill you"***This hex is activated after a generator is complete, and is canceled out if a totem is cleansed before a generator is done. When this hex activates the killer appears as a random killer, while still having the powers of the current killer.
Inner Killer:"Try it on, put on the mask" A survivor can find random mask around the map, if they find a mask they can pick it up and put it on, getting any random power from any random killer in the game, if the killer finds a mask however, then they get a random power from a random killer, along with increased speed, and any survivors in the terror radius when he's putting on the mask, gets they're aura shown for 5/10/15 seconds, unless they're putting on a mask.
__________________________________________________________________________________________Survivor:Anne Williams
***Background:***Anne Williams used to know Norman, in fact, they were best friends, then one day he went missing, she had his collection of old clothes and masked that he used to use to impersonate people. One day she tried on a mask of her, and when she took it off, she was in an entirely new place, not her neighborhood, not anywhere she knew.
***Secret Weapon:"This Mask Better Work"***This perk activates after 3 hits by the killer lunge attack, or power. When this perk activates the a random survivor gets a mask in their inventory if something isn't already there, upon using the mask, the survivor turns into a random survivor getting all their perks applied, plus a random perk that they have on besides this perk, if the perks they have are already in the survivor then they will get applied a random perk, not associated with any survivor.("Norman was a weird kid, I think that's why I hung out with him"-Anne Williams)
***Fragile:"She was always a bad everything physical related"***Vaulting and movement speed are slightly decreased, while generator repair and totem cleansing speed are significantly increased.("I hate when people rub that in my face"-Anne Williams)
***Soothing Words:"She always knew how to soothe most people"***Whenever she's within 10m of the killer, she can use her soothing words, putting them out of any rage mode, or getting rid of bloodlust, and giving all survivors within the killers terror radius the status effects "Haste" and "Endurance" for 5/10/20 seconds.("I used to take yoga as a kid"-Anne Williams)
Nice idea!