Waiting for Lobby on ps4 as surv, instant lobby as killer

I wait really long for surv to join a game and in addition as solo i get a pretty disappointing matchmaking. Also I have the feeling that rank 1 killer are kinda rare. As killer I get a lobby after 2 sec.
Whats up with console? Or is this only happening to me?
Nah I’m getting the same thing it’s like 5min for survivor lobby, but I get a killer lobby in 10sec
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Following the logic of some members when last time the opposite happened, it should be because "survivor all want EZ game and EZ escape, always crying to the Dev that killer is too strong and want them nerf. So now that your wish is granted, good luck finding a survivor game because all the killers are tire of it and leaving this game. Cry baby survivor!"
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Well if thats the case I understand it completely. I also got tired of killer. Played nurse/huntress/wraith on console. but its just no fun anymore. Dont want to know how long you wait when spirit is nerfed
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Seems normal...When I don't get 3 error messages in a row as survivor at least...XD
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It's a result of more people wanting to play survivor than killer. Survivor is so much less stressful than killer. I'm on PS4 also and experience quick killer lobbies and slow survivor lobbies.
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Yeah what’s up with that, like how are you gonna give me 3 errors in a row and not know what it is.
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This is my experience too, instant killer lobbies and 5-10 minute wait for a survivor game, solo or SWF. UK PS4.
I play less killer now as survivor is less stressful and more rewarding; I can die and still rank up.
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Same here, I have also noticed that my matches typically pair better survivors with weaker killers. I play both sides at around rank 10 and when I play killer I get rank 4 to 6 survivors but when I am survivor I get rank 14 to 16 killers.
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Yeah, it's pretty frustrating, considering that after waiting 5-10 minutes, you can also encounter the following issues:
- Can't Connect To Host
- NAT Type
- Lobby Unjoinable
- Kicked Back To Waiting Area With No Error
- High Ping Killer
- Various Other Errors
I'd much rather wait 5-10 minutes for a Killer game, because I very rarely encounter any of the above issues I just listed.