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What I would change IF I was a Dev

Pirate Member Posts: 427
edited November 2019 in Feedback and Suggestions

Here is a "small" list of things I would love to change about the game if I was in charge.

I dont have any hope that someone in charge or atleast a mod is going to read it, but I wanted to chare it with anyone who is willing to read. And I will be happy to read your feedback and thoughts. This is my opinion on things and its not perfect and it may be different from yours. Please enjoy.

No particular order!

-Keys and Mori -> The user can only blackpip (is already the case for killer in most cases) and the opponent party can NOT lose a PIP if used against them! This is only necessary if they stay as broken as they are now!

-Keys -> Can ONLY be used after the hatch is closed!

-Mori -> Green and Red Mori can only trigger when brought to hook and only on the death-on-hook aka 3rd-Hook. SO it means instead of hooking the 3rd time the mori will play. Every successful mori gives 2500BP bonus (because it takes long and is difficult to do) Every Mori becomes one rarity more common = Red is purple, green is yellow, yellow is brown.

-Dead Hard -> Is no longer an exhaustion perk. Dead hard has only 1 charge and gives bonus speed of 150% for 0.5/1/1.5 seconds. (this perk is BROKEN! negate a whole chase duration on a 40sec cooldown is not balanced)

-We're Gonna Live Forever -> The stacks can be get for Safe Hook Rescue, protection hits, generator repair equivalent to 1 full generator and healing survivor equivalent to 2 full health stages. This Perk is nowhere near as good as BBQ! We need a buff for it!

-Decisive Strike -> Will ONLY be activated if the unhooked inside the killer terror radius! I am SICK of getting DSed of people who I did not even know I hooked before! I feel like that thanos meme: Surv:"get DS you tunneler" ME: "I dont even know who you are!". SO make it activate like Borrowed Time!

-Borrowed Time -> Make the person UNHITTABLE and NOCLIP(against killer) for 6/7/8 sec. so the person will not abuse BT to get a hit for the person who was saving! The abuse of this perk is ridiculous, I dont attack the hooked person in 90% if the time but they always try to take a hit for the saving person!

-NOED -> No longer a Hex Perk and has only 1 Charge (1 successful Hit) but the movement speed bonus stays the same, even after the charge was used. Ignores the Deep Wound effect (means can not be contert by Styptic Agent).

-Object of Obsession -> Will NOT activate if used in a survive with friends! This is the single most broken perk of SWF! Whats the point of a horror game if the enemy monitors your every step? In a horror movie survivor NEVER know where the killer is!

-Key Addon Blood Amber -> does not reveal killer anymore! Gives bonus 5000 BP on if escaped through hatch.

-Hex: Ruin -> Everytime a survivor starts working on a generator it will regress for 1% of total but this progress is added as bonus on the next skillcheck. This should prevent gen-tapping! Because its 1) an exploit that helps ignoring Ruin 2) stupidly slow if one teammate is doing that while you are trying to really repair the generator!

-Hex: Lullaby -> No longer a hex perk! try it! most people will not use it even if its not a hex anymore!

-Pop Goes the Weasel -> Instead of a timer it now has tokens 1/2/3. Tokens are spend all at once and the effect stacks. Pop is a nice alternative to Ruin, but many people rarely ever kick a gen! So it would be nice to collect some tokens overtime and then use it if one has time for it.

-Wraith -> Give him comeplete invesibility like freedy if more then 16m away! Reduce his  reappearance time OR give him a better baseline sprint boost. Give him a new ULTRA RARE Addon that lets him make a hit out of invisibility once every 120min! This would make pressure on survivor to heal against him.

-Doctor -> make the effect of "High Stimulus Electrode" baseline and remove his 2 modus gameplay in favour of a charging ability like every other killer!

-Leatherface -> Let him brake pallets with chainsaw without the animation, so he can continue chassing survivor. Remove his ability to hit multiple targets that makes him to the best facecamper. CHANGE his chainsaw charge to that of hillbilly so one can mindgame like billy!

-Spirit -> Remove Prayer Beads Bracelet effect. Make something else instead! I dont play her much, so I dont have an opinion outside of that.

-Pig -> make her crouch faster! I dont play her much, so I dont have an opinion outside of that.

-Trapper -> Let him have X amount of possible traps that he can take out of lokers 2 at a time. Addons can rise the amaount of total traps and carried traps. If he places one trap more then he is allowed entity will destroy the first trap (like snares or hag traps). Make the "Logwood Dye" effect baseline (its VERY bad, it will not be an advantage to have it baseline, but combining it with another Logwood Dye could make some nice results).

- Demogorgon -> give the ability to replace old portals (like freddys snares) and add some (maybe 4) stationary portals random in the map (spawns in same spots like Jigsaw Boxes) that cant be removed by survivors and are active from the beginning.

- One shot Addons of Huntress and Clown -> Completely remove! Those killers are NOT balanced around such powerful addons! In my opinion only the chainsaw bros should be able to oneshot. I can accept that ghostface and Meyers can oneshot because they have some drawbacks for it. But on huntress and clown thats simply stupid.

- Survivor movement -> Survivor movement is broken, especially after dedicated servers! A real person can NOT do such 360° and so on! I would love to see a real person try to evade a chainsaw by 360° around such monster as hillbilly! When a survivor is out in the open its his fault and it should not be possible to evade a chainsaw with such cheap tricks! Please more realism into movement!

- Big buildings on many maps -> There are some buildings that are completly broken! Some buildings where you even lose Bloodlust because you can not see survivor for a few seconds at all and the windowblocker does not trigger. Those buildings should be completly reworked! Especially all MacMillan buildings.

- Best Change of Behavior so far -> The Freddy changes! And I dont mean the balance or something else, NO! I mean the conept that some addons can change his power into a completly new power! Something similar would be nice for Clown, Legion and some other killers.