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Suggestion: A slight Spirit change


Spirit is disliked for the fact that she's very close to a guessing game for a survivor. There are very little tells, if any, to know what exactly she's doing.

Now, it's pretty much confirmed that Spirit will be changed. Though she shouldn't be absolutely gutted.

My suggestion is to leave the Spirit itsself as she is, but use her husk as a method to make facing her more bearable, with 2 small changes:

Proposed changes:

The husk's eyes glow yellow when she's phasing.

This would be a subtle color change. Her eyes already glow by default. When she enters phase, her eyes will glow a slightly different color. This can be used by an attentative survivor to tell that she is, in fact, phasing.

Spirits could negate this by attempting to hide their husk, say behind a wall.

The Spirit's husk looks directly at the Spirit.

This way, a survivor can roughly tell where the Spirit is moving approximately. Example: the survivor is at the loop. The husk looks to the side of the loop, before turning back to the pallet. I can roughly tell she walked around the loop and is likely on the other side.

This not only gives survivors some information, but it still allows room for mindgames. For example the Spirit could have pretended to walk around the loop by going to the side, but then returns on the same side of the loop.

A Spirit could also attempt to fake a phase still, by simply standing still and rotating their camera around as if they were the husk looking at the Spirit. This can catch survivors off-guard who didn't pay attention and didn't notice that her eyes didn't change color.

Additionally, this could allow for some fun addons to manipulate the husk. For example an add-on that makes the husk look at survivors rather than at the Spirit when they are within x meters of the husk. It allows counterplay by the survivor (stay out of x range from the husk), but can be used by the spirit to scare the survivor / make them feel unsafe, possibly having them make more mistakes.


I personally think this would be a very solid change to the Spirit, giving survivors some method of finding out what the Spirit might be doing, while not completely nullifying her ability, and creating room for different kind of mindgames, and even add-ons. Let me know what you think!