Possible hacker in game.
Was wondering where to post about this, any response would be appreciated. Have video proof of either an extraordinarily laggy killer or a hack in game. I and everyone else in the game already reported the killer. Is there anything else I can do and if so where can I post the video proof?
Best Answer
You report them in-game during the post-game match (Aka, you use the report system when you're in post-game and report them there.)
After that, if you want to follow up with any details you can submit a ticket with proof (If you have any.)
Here's the support link if you have proof you want to share with the support team: https://support.deadbydaylight.com/hc/en-us
When it comes to hackers or possible hackers, we don't discuss it here on the forums as it's considered "name shaming" if you were to release who it was that was breaking the rules. That's why you report it in-game and than submit a ticket if you have anymore proof or details.
Submit a ticket and post the video there I think?