Dedicated servers AND P2P at the same time ?

Would it be actually possible to have both , and an option to choose what kind of connection would you like to play against , because honestly , best ping i get (i'm from south america) is 60 ms , but it's actually not 60 ms at all , it drops and goes to 100 ms to 200 ms or 300 ms , it's literraly unstable all the time , right now i played 10 matches in a row( i check my connection ,even post game chat agrees with dedicated being wonky) , no joke and i disconnect randomly at the middle of the match or matches don't even start because someone got disconnected . i actually just spent around 1 hour and a half trying to play a single match , and is not possible to me for doing so.I think it would be cool for unstable places like 3rd world countries to have that option. ty have a good day