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General Discussions

How does everyone else feel about Demogorgon?

I am conflicted he feels weak, but most of the issues feel like they are tied to bugs and collision detection rather than his abilities being too weak.

Have they said if they plan on fixing the Shred bug this update coming? I didn't see anything in notes on it but I saw the dev post saying they were working on the ghost face bug already.

Anyways, Demogorgon has become my most played killer, I love the fact we have an actual monster in the game for once; but I haven't played against them much as survivor, only once so I have some questions as well.

His footsteps are hella loud for him when playing, can survivors hear that as well? If they can that kinda makes the undetectable status out of portal rather useless given you can hear them from a mile away.

His body seems to whack into tight areas making loops harder than with any other killer, I don't know if this is intentional or not?

I don't know if all these are just me or not so I kinda wanna hear what everyone else thinks, especially from survivor perspective.


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  • Member Posts: 1,711

    A little bit to weak. I HATE that the camera is locked after using M2, it's one big reason why I can't play him much. It's annoying.

  • Honestly I feel the same about that, but the big thing I found was that since he can't move the camera or himself at all, it makes it very easily dodged. Not even dodged really, but you will land on them and your arms go through their actual model and deal no damage because they are not directly in front of you.

    I think locking the camera until the last phase of the attack is fine, but in the end of the attack you should be allowed to move/look/aim the last part of the attack in like a 45 degree angle or something, that gives them plenty of dodge room and time, but doesn't lock you up and punish you for being like 3 inches to the left or right as hard.

  • Member Posts: 1,711

    It shouldn't be like Billy honestly, after ending your chainsaw hit you have full control and check all your surrounding

  • Posts: 5,229
    edited November 2019

    It probably shouldn't be hitting them and doing nothing either though. Not saying like billy, and not after it ends, just at the part when you land and swing, you should have to choose either forward, forward right or forward left and commit to that; and the hit detection needs to clearly cover that area.

    It's just one idea for the issue though, I am sure there are other or better ways to go about it, if you have one I am interested to hear though.

    I want to get a dialogue going on Demogorgon.

  • Member Posts: 13,036

    Powerful and fun, but needs some tinkering

  • Member Posts: 9,039
    edited November 2019

    I bought him yesterday and played a few games and demogorgon is just boring

  • Member Posts: 13,671


  • Member Posts: 3,059

    Maybe some small quality of life updates but otherwise he's pretty good! His portals are very under rated imo.

  • Member Posts: 3,615

    Very strong

  • Member Posts: 1,300

    Too much counterplay imo sure you can choose to bait stun but portals and shred itself are up to the survivor to destroy/get hit by

  • I think shred would be fine if it got some minor fixes, but the portals yeah I've only ever successfully used them to detect survivors one time- and I've played many many Demogorgon games.

    Any particular reason for that? I heard him compared to hillbilly but I don't really agree with that statement. I've been playing and find him very fun, my favorite killer actually.

  • Member Posts: 624

    Weak. The only good thing about Demorgon is how you can bait survivors with shred. Btw shred is very situational and so are the portals

  • Member Posts: 21,212

    Weak. His portals are meh at best, his Shred is unreliable.

  • Member Posts: 912

    well, there is a good reason why we dont see much demogorgons. because he is weak and not fun to play. his power is boring and not that great aswell.

  • I'm a Demogorgon main as well.

    See i get where you are coming from but I do not entirely agree. The first thing I take issue with is saying he doesn't need ANY changes, because there are clearly some issues that are obviously not intended and buggy in nature. Those need to be fixed at some point regardless.

    As for putting them right by gens I have done this and it works to a degree, but then they know exactly where they are and shut them down fairly quickly, you need to pace them and gamble how many you have vs what gens you want to have a portal directly on.

    I do however agree with what you said about shred almost entirely, except for the fact that I still feel if you hit someone it should actually wound them, currently sometimes your arms go right through them and deal no damage because they are literally just a few inches to the side; when you clearly hit them. I don't think that should be the case.

    Lastly, we are not here to say that anyone who doesn't agree with your views is automatically good or bad; the killer literally just came out so it's impossible to say that for sure regardless.

  • Member Posts: 1,267
    edited November 2019

    Need changes in HIS/HER tunnels and "touch-ups" in its onslaught (I think it has a lot of potential).

    Really where I see more problem is, in its tunnels, otherwise perfect.

  • Posts: 5,229
    edited November 2019

    Your opinions is just as valid as anyone else's at any rank; trying to imply that anyone else who disagrees is inferior is not a fair or balanced approach to any discussion. This is coming from someone who is also a red rank demo main.

    I mostly agree with you, I think he is very effective when played well; but that there are some small issues that should be addressed. You are welcome to feel otherwise; but getting irate or trying to talk down to people isn't going to help convince anyone of anything.

    "If they are inches away and it doesn't hit guess what... YOU TIMED IT WRONG, or if they are too far to the side... YOU AIMED IT WRONG" I am saying as in you hit them dead on and you literally swing through their player model because the hitbox feels just a little off. My previous idea of aiming probably would have been a bit much though yeah, but fixing the hitbox would suffice.

    "If you are having trouble keeping them up either run the addons I listed or hide them better." That is what i said, yeah I agree.

     "Either way they aren't supposed to be these unfindable and unbreakable killer placements that the survivors can't deal with." No of course not, but just doing the same thing every time doesn't work as well as a more tactical approach to when to gamble on making them obvious or not. I don't know where you got the idea that was the belief.

  • Member Posts: 1,055

    I like him, but didn't have the time so far to level and master him as a killer. Compared to other killers he is harder to get into, I think, because to use him effectivly you need to combine his tracking, map control and chase aspects within his kit perfectly. And that's quite exhausting to do. At least for me so far.

  • I wouldn't worry about that, they are going to look at the metrics more than people's comments. Though they might be what makes them go and take a look.

    Though, even if you or I disagree with them, comments about feeling boring or uninteresting to play against are just as valid from anyone really. As much as I disagree with those ones as well.

    I do worry similarly though; that they end up buffing him or something; and then people start actually learning to play him better with time and then suddenly he needs heavy nerfs because the metrics even say he is too good suddenly. I think he is mostly fine balance wise I just think he needs a few fixes that will kinda be very very minor buffs and he should be in a great place.

  • I know exactly what you mean, but I think that is why I am having so much fun with him. Well that and you get to be a big stompy monster.

    Having to actually manage and track so much stuff keeps you a lot more invested in the match, I don't want easy killers I want killers that require practice and management and reward those skills.

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  • Why is that?

    I've heard people call him just a less effective clone of hillbilly as the reason for that; but I don't entirely agree with that statement- and I have been enjoying him a lot.

  • Any examples of why? Especially from a survivor perspective because I haven't seen much talk about it because no one seems to be playing him very much.

    I agree; though I find revealing them with of the abyss rarely actually works.

  • Why? What would you do to make him more interesting?

    The biggest complaint I have heard is that he is like a less effective version of Hillbilly, but I don't entirely agree with that statement.

  • Member Posts: 227

    He SHOULD be really strong, his shred and portals are versatile and powerful but......why am i happy to face him? I feel like most people agree he's middle of the pack which imo is ok

    Honestly my biggest problem is his dumbass ritual, 5 FULLY charged shred attacks. It should just be 5 shred attacks because most of the time you don't need to fully charge and i end up missing a lot of attacks just trying to get this ritual done

  • Member Posts: 3,047

    I absolutely hate Demogorgan worse then any killer. Not for any reason like annoying or over performing or even that he feels weak. Just every time I play against a Demogorgan my FPS drop and I get the occasional lag.

    I would rather play against a god tier Spirit with Prayer Beads and a amulet without my headphones so I'm as clueless as some people seem to be.

  • I've never had lag or anyone else I play with get lag because of him, the is strange. Is it constant or only at certain times or when looking at the portals or something?

  • Member Posts: 1,962

    His sounds need to be toned down on the killer side at least.

    His portals should be recyclable like the Hag's. Place a portal when all are placed then it removes the oldest portal.

    His addons are meh.

    Overall he feels kind of clunky and awkward to play as.

    I'm not sure if he's strong or weak but he's definitely awkward.

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