All for free, or none

When it comes to the exclusives.. Give all for free, or none. its that simple...
Legacy is also exclusives. So if brazil claudette and gold feng min and event cosmetics are going to be free. so should legacy.. All or nothing...
please rething this decision devs. its just really stupid
Just cancel all the made codes... thats the fix you need
Just be happy that you are getting any cosmetics for free and stop being so entitled.
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how would you like it if you found out that something you spent a long time trying to get, working your ass of to get. was given for free to everyone later on...
Good to know that we dont need to do ######### in other evets though, we know we'll get it for free later on anyways now
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would be the same as the others... Exclusives where given in the events to players who were playing during the events. Would be the exact same
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That’s literally not even what you said in your OP but whatever. I wouldn’t be that upset anyways because I don’t get mad when other people can enjoy things.
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You didn't have to work your ass off. The event was hook some survivors and do gens then you got cosmetics
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They forgot the Bloodletting shirt foe Dwight.I doubt they wont give it too since it must be the only one they dont mention,but still they forgot to mention it.
About the legacy,just make us pick a survivor instead of all of them.That would be fine.Or make new ones for all of them and make us pick one.
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They said its about code-cosmetics to go against resellers, Legacy wasnt even an event, neither a free code.
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They announced today all events will now be tied to rift or be about bp offerings.
No more of the old events with objectives will be happening. So yeah you don't need to do anything because it won't exist anymore the only exclusives will be in the rift you pay for.
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In steams administrator area for codes. they have the option to disable active codes... They could just do that instead. Would fix the reselling issue and the scams.
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Legacy prestige and these cosmetics are 2 separate things, these cosmetics were
- not available to console players
- being resold for Ludicrous amounts of money
Whether or not it should have been done is your opinion.
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Legacy and exclusives are different
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Legacy is nothing like exclusives.Respect us, players who have played the game since 2016, when the bloodweb was hell to grind for.
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Free cosmetics are coming, don't be entitled to more and instead be content with what we're getting. I for one am super excited about the cosmetics and I could care less about Legacy, the people who got it definitely earned it.
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canceling the coded wouldn't help at all - unaware players could still be tricked into buying codes which won't work anyway.
Now you could say that it is there problem if they get tricked - that's your opinion, devs apparently think otherwise: you should always take the side of the weakest, in this case the ones being exploited. Be empathetic.
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Do you understand the definition of a choosing beggar?
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You put Legacy exclusives & convention exclusives in the same boat?
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Legacy is not tied to buying dbd in the beta. The only requirement was prestiging before 24.11.2016 00:00 Canadian time zone.
You basically could see that as an event. Just a very long event with a trade off.
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People who don't know about that will still get scammed tho.
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Cancelling all codes cancels the ones that have been used too. That's not an option. It's not as simple as you'd think.
I don't see the reason why it has to be all or nothing. The best option is rarely an extreme one. We've tried to explain why we've done it the way we have as clearly as possible, and we've specifically mentioned that legacy would not be returning in the past. We don't want to break that promise.
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Please explain why hype nea is not included. Thats also a code being sold by resellers, if you want to stop resellers and scams. The hype nea is a part of it, that should then be free too
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They can't do that, that would also disable all used codes so everyone would lose their cosmetics according to Peanits.
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The grammar in this section is my cellbrains pop out.
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And what is about the bloodletting shirt from Dwight?
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Read that. It's also found at the top of the page.
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I cannot believe anyone is actually happy with this decision.. Of course there's going to be more people WANTING this rather than the contrary because who doesn't want free exclusives?? BUT THAT'S WHAT THEY ARE! E X C L U S I V E S, not only are golden feng, brazil claud etc becoming free, even the event exclusives? Donkey Jacket, Huntress wolf mask. This just feels like a terrible and I cannot believe anyone thought this was smart. If this is happening, then Legacy should be free also. YOUR LOYAL AND CORE CONSUMERS GRINDED FOR THE REWARDS AND THIS IS A KICK IN THE FACE. Absolutely disgraceful.
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I'd be totally okay with my 90ish dollar Tawnos's Coffin and my 150ish dollar Scrubland getting reprinted into oblivion, so I'd have no problem spending time and effort getting these previously exclusive cosmetics only for them to be given away for free to everyone.
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I hope they do someday. :P Death to the Reserve List, hooray for people getting previously exclusive cosmetics!
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Dweard, Street Meg, and those other exclusives also have monetary value to it.. You had to pay to attend those conventions which isn't free. There's literally no difference.
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Just dont support them anymore... if there is no reward feeling to be had in this game why is there reason to continue to support it....
bhvr seems to not understand that players enjoy earning a reward that other players may not earn or were not here for.
With no goal (exclusives) there is no actual reward... everyone else will have what I have and that's boring AF. Where is the unique feeling?
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I really hope you realize how pissed people are about this... Its a reason its called exclusive, its a reason that its Ultra rare. People didnt ask for this, are you just trying to piss of the community, because if it is, then you've done a pretty good job... Why dont you just catch the person who creates the codes and gives them to resellers? and why is not the hype nea skin coming, thats the most used skin to scam with. If you stop making codes, people cant sell them
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Seems like most of us are fine with it, actually.
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I’ve got two of the exclusives being released, I would be hard pressed to care less that they’re being released. So the community impacted “negatively” by this decision isn’t exactly unified. It’ll be enjoyable to see more of the ones I have, they’re both nice.
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And you paid for the merch that you got off the store. The bloodletting shirt was just a limited time bonus (free as well because you bought the merch, not the skin) for buying an item from the store.
Post edited by Valkari on2 -
kinda wish they added the diatech nea shirt :( people are trying to sell those for 1000 each
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I rEaLlY hOpE yOu ReAlIzE hOw pIsSeD pEoPle aRe aBoUt tHiS
Reality: 5 or 10 selfish babies
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Beta only had trapper available, the game was already released when people were playing and prestiging.
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They're fake items in a video game. The kind of effort you are describing was severely misguided from the jump.
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Oh I didn't know you can get it from there. Maybe the bloodletting shirt should be shown in the ingame store greyed out with this information to prevent people getting scammed.
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I lost my event exclusives due to a bug. I don't care if anyone else get it aswell in exchange to get my deserved skins back. All I care about is having them back and usable. I really couldn't care less about others having them aswell, I don't value a skin by rarity but about how I like them
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I personally can't take people serious who only value stuff high if noone else has it. If something is good it's good. No matter who many people have it. That's just how I see it.
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That's fair enough, of course that's always a factor, I bought my exclusive for the same and other reasons and I feel more passionately about this change than others, that's just how it is and I'll have to deal with it.
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It's people's own fault to buy free given codes for so much money. They should have considered that free given codes might come back for free again.
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Really glad that you answered our concerns with the bloodletting, it shouldn't go free. Unlike the others exclusives which were always labeled as free. This one actually cost money.
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the excuse for the bloodletting dwight is a dumb one im sorry. you might as well say they paid for the cup and the code was FREE... anyway most people who earned legacy lost them and you didn't help at all + people have been selling legacy hacks + the current amount of perks and chararcters is big af... so what is the reason for legacy at this day? why do you make exclusive charms for fog whisperers etc at the same time you are doing this?
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I am sorry but I think I don't understand what your point is. An event is supposed to be something fun and enjoyable, the reward is that... a reward. I completed the BBQ event and the previous Chinese Year Event as well but if everyone could get the same for free. Why not? I did those events for fun, not because I wanted a reward. The reward should motive you to play more.
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isn't that generally life? some of us work hard and others get stuff handed for free in the real world? o.o