Dead b(ab)y Crylight??

yato Member Posts: 49
edited November 2019 in General Discussions

isn't possible that everyone that cry are always satisfied: the teleport when u throw down the pallet, The Legion is Op, The Nurse is Op, The Spirit is Op, too many pallets... and every of these are nerfed because people always have to cry, always and always: and the Genrush, and the add-ons OP and the Istant Heal and the Mori... cmon guys, just play and chill, there is always a game that u lose and one that u win, there are a lot of stuffs at favour of every killer and Survs, isn't not that the one is Op and the other not, is the way how u play, on about add-ons and perks u use and the maps... now it's Spirit turn because a lot of people have cried because they don't are able to counter her... isn't possible that the Devs listen always who cry at this game but there are still a lot of serious bugs in game and also outside the game (lobby and loading), so now i cry about the bugs not fixed T.T i hope u will satisfied me about my crying.


  • Eleghost
    Eleghost Member Posts: 1,050

    Jeeze have you looked at the spirit notes they added? the changes aren't gonna make the killer unplayable in any way. Also the whole legion being OP thing isn't why legion was changed.

  • XxkuroxshiroxX
    XxkuroxshiroxX Member Posts: 76

    The only thing I am crying about in this game is Legions Nerf :'(

    ..And maybe toxic swfs..

    ...Ohhh, and DCs....

    ....and insults in the after game chat...

    I'm a proud crybaby :(

  • ASAPTurtle
    ASAPTurtle Member Posts: 968

    There's a lot of users that have under 100 post talking about spirit changes. Wonder why, there pretty minor changes.

  • xZeroStrike
    xZeroStrike Member Posts: 133

    Wouldn't take post count as credit for anything. I have below 100, but I've been playing since early 2018 and have quite closely been following patches / updates and things regarding balance. I've had my forum account for over a year (badge is there), I just never actively contributed until recently.

  • ASAPTurtle
    ASAPTurtle Member Posts: 968

    What I'm saying is that a lot of new accounts have been made recently and most have been discussing the spirit changes on the forums from what I seen

  • xZeroStrike
    xZeroStrike Member Posts: 133

    Ah, like that. Well, could be possible they're long time lurkers feeling called upon to share their thoughts on the changes, hah.

  • Go_Go_Roboto
    Go_Go_Roboto Member Posts: 330

    It's important for the devs to listen to feedback. They are doing the right things, but just a lot of the time not in quite the right way. They could be more subtle in nerfs that happen, but this spirit thing really is just giving survivors more of a chance in situations they have no control of. Most of all: prayer beads. Those were very mean. Now they'll be a tool to mess with survivors rather than get free hits or grabs.

    Spirit was over preforming. If you disagree, then you disagree with the devs idea of the level killers should be preforming at, which should be the topic of discussion.

  • itsmetimohthy
    itsmetimohthy Member Posts: 43

    This hurt to read. Honestly, calling it "crying" is asinine. If the Devs of a video game don't listen to their fanbase, at least a little, then they will run those players out of the game. Also, by your very definition you are currently crying about others who cry...

  • SusieMainBTW
    SusieMainBTW Member Posts: 5

    I feel like the "crybaby" killer mains are why medium vaults exist