Long-time players, do you think you are good stewards of this game?


I get it. You've put in thousands of hours and you think you should be rewarded for that. But do you think you really deserve it?

In my experience on this forum you are rude to other people, you are dismissive of anyone who is below your rank, you do nothing but complain, you trash talk the game every chance you get, and you are verbally abusive to the devs. And then on top of it you feel everything should be given to you for free (rift pass) but no one else should get anything free (formerly exclusive cosmetics.) And you wonder why people call you entitled.

So let me ask you, if you were the devs would you want to reward that behavior? Would you want to focus all your energy on trying to please people that never seem to be happy? Who refuse to adapt and want everything that's introduced to be immediately changed to suit them?

I'm a low rank player and I payed for this game just like you. You're not better than the rest of us so get off your high horse.


  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,503

    I'm certainly not the best at this game, nor have I been playing the longest. That being said, I am a Rank 1 player, whatever that means, and I've been here for about a year.

    I used to be very toxic, I changed, because I saw what it could do. I chose to try to spread goodwill in the community. I think I've done alright, got banned on Xbox Live though, so that sucks.

    Regardless, there are some bad apples, but most of the community simply wants what's best for the game and I think that's what counts.