How Long Before AI Killers?

Playing Killer is becoming the thing to do if you just hate yourself with just how frustrating it can be, high ranks SWF, makes it terrible. Now we nerf all killers and leave weak ones weak, leave broken maps with god loops, and free escape keys. Seriously gonna need AI killers sooner than later, especially for the full release of Bully Simulator 2020.


  • Avariku
    Avariku Member Posts: 608

    With rank reset, I was happy that I would be able to start playing more relaxed as killer, able to go out there, kill a few people and giving some other people a free escape or two.

    ultimately, I never got to play friendly killer cause I ran into one toxic swf after another repeatedly. what happened? I stomped the toxic players into the dirt.

    7 rounds and I got 3-4k on every one of them, save for a 2k... even let one or two non-toxic players go. (I assume they were randos, or just didn't take the time to teabag or clicky-click their light).

    long story short... if you're getting bullied, maybe you should wait for the ranks to rebalance a bit or face the facts that you're not as good as you think you are.

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,414

    The killer A.I. is still in the testing phases. There are still many logic bugs and freezes with the current implementation.

    1) The killer A.I. freezes after hooking a survivor and only moves again when another survivor tries to unhook or is sacrificed.

    2) If the survivor is rescued from the hook the A.I. will only chase after the injured unhooked survivor.

    The same bugs pop up while testing different machine learning methods.

    Hopeful soon™ we will be able to test this out on a PTB build. Once all these bugs are patched ofcourse.