I feel like the survivor rift challenges are just getting worse and worse.

Atrushan88 Member Posts: 2,084
edited November 2019 in Feedback and Suggestions

"Use Self Care to heal yourself 2 times in one match": Sure, while Sloppy Butcher is such a common perk, let me take nearly a full gen's progress to heal myself twice in a match. Let's just not do gens at all because everyone's gonna be on this challenge first.

"Fully Deplete 6 med kits": K, so I should just get rid of all my med kits. I mean they were nerfed but at least they're still SOMEWHAT useful.

"Drop 15 pallets while being chased by the killer": This one is just asking for people to throw the game.

"Completely repair 3 generators in one trial using Dark Sense": Oh, k, so use a perk that's basically useless and be the gen jockey. At least it's not being a detriment to my team this time, just being a detriment to myself.

"Unhook a survivor who unhooked you one time": Not terrible, but it's kind of asking for people to farm each other.

"Blind the killer 2 times in one trial": So...bring a flashlight, basically guaranteeing the killer brings a mori, and then blind him twice, making him want to mori you even harder. Fun...

Why do all the survivor challenges basically enforce toxic behavior or ask you to throw the game while all the killer ones are just "play the game normally with certain perks"? At least aside from "Manifest Distressing", but you probably don't have to chase ONE survivor for 90 seconds so even then it's probably just "play the game normally with Distressing".
