Rematch Option

Can we have a choice to rematch a lobby? At the end of the game survivors and the killer can have an option to run it back. Let people switch up their kits, select new killers etc.
While a neat idea, I'm pretty sure ppl would just abuse this for farming sessions. You could rejoin a match over and over, knowing the other side just wants to farm with you.
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Nothing to add.
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Do the same that happens with street fighter 5.
Limit it to 1 rematch
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Finally I can put my 70 plus BPS and over 100 puddings on Spirit to use. Easy farms ladies and gentlemen easy farms.
Sure this might happen to for regular rematch here and there, but mostly just for farming.
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That means most builds and perks with only really work once.
Well guys we know he has discordance so nobody work on a Gen together
Nea as decisive strike better make sure I slug her
Killer has Devour hope or Noed better destroy totems
Killer has nurses better not heal in The Terror radius
Blood warden better 99 or leave immediately
You get the picture
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Then change your build during intermission.
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Most won't enjoy the constant changing
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This new mode should be named: Farm with Rando
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Then don't opt in to rematch.
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Seeing alot about farming. I cannot say I know the intricacies of the bloodpoint economy, but I doubt there's a ton of people with nothing better to do than farm a currency as worthless as these for 20 minutes back to back. Like... it's Dead by Daylight. What am I gonna save up for? A purple medkit?
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" Don't forget guys, this is a Scratched mirror My.."
-roar of a chainsaw zooms across map-