Camping needs a harsher punishment
i just dc when there's a camper, no thanks lol
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Lot of words but i skipped to the end to see you complain about the weakest perk the game lol
Now going off of intuition here, if you're in red're probably playing swf right? Meaning you guys are probably ready at the hook to get the unhook as soon as its safe.
I've been in that situation as killer and gotten hate mail for camping......when i know all 3 of the other guys are literally right there lol. So either you're dying to baby killers or you're playing in red ranks and throwing the game in ensure your friend lives. Either way, you're the reason you're losing not the camper.
And you know what else is dumb? Not too long ago i was in the opposite side of this as a survivor (doesn't happen much for obvious reasons) my whole team went over to the trappers hook where he was obviously camping and died. You know what i did when all this was going on? 3 gens. And opened the exit gate and saved one of the dummies in the process. Then i get hatemail from one of the guys i didn't save for "not being a team player" and coming to save his headass with the trapper right in front of him. I was basically the only one that did anything that game and still won easily because i JUST DID GENS.
I don't know how to spell this out any simpler than that
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Problematically if you're playing with randoms as a survivor it can be hard to use the time they're camping to your advantage because there is no communication between people. Often more than not someone will try to save the one being camped. Even with the raising hand on hook thing. If it's a coordinated team it's basically a free win.
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The rank 20 mindset. Camping is a legit strategy. Not a good one, mind you. Git gud and do gens. It's basically a free escape if the killer camps someone to death.
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I didn't complain about the weakest perk in a game, I said a camper made it work by putting someone in the basement where their hook progression sped up, meaning you couldn't just do gens and everyone get out, and no I'm not in a SWF, and no I wasn't waiting at a hook, nor was anyone else, we were all doing gens from what I could tell, as no one got that person off the hook. No matter what you say, if Ruin is not in play, the numbers themselves tell you that you cannot finish all gens while one person's sacrifice is complete, even if everyone never left a gen to even check if the killer was camping. That said, if the survivor ran the killer around for a minute or two, sure, it's possible, again, if no one gets off a gen. But most games people search chests, do totems, etc.
You did 3 gens while 3 people were keeping a Trapper busy, congratulations. That's not that difficult. Try doing 3 gens while one person is on a hook and no one else is. That's an accomplishment(not to mention impossible).
You know what they say about assuming, right?
Also Monstrous Shrine is far from the weakest perk in the game. Object of Obsession has a 1/4 chance to actually do nothing for you and give the killer sight of you, without you knowing. We're Gonna Live Forever is practically pointless, No Mither has no real upsides if the killer knows you have it(which they always do), do I even need to mention Dark Sense or Deja Vu? Monstrous Shrine just speeds up hook progression in the basement(and a few other near useless things), but it apparently works for campers, and basement builds. People don't generally run basement builds though. Still more useful than all of the perks I mentioned.
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Devs have said this before, they aren't going to punish people for their choice of gameplay unless they are exploiting the game or taking it hostage.
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When another killers gets mad about Camping you we're you must of been a complete a hole 😁
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Because the killers are all supernatural in some way and the survivors are normal people even the "normal" killers are strengthened by the Entity
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The main problem with camping from a gameplay perspective is it usually pays off. Survivors love to rush the hook. Most people don't punish camping by doing gens and then this reinforces the camper to continue camping and get more kills out of it. It sucks for the campee, but we have to punish by doing gens.
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There is already a punishment.
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Abused because the mechanic was missing something. We need to try it again and implement requirements
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How are you getting caught at 5 gens?