People are just overreacting.

As a spirit main, these changes are very nitche. Windows valuting change may may cut me a few free hits, and main power is almost untoutched. Althoght colision was very important against iron will users, after this change ill end up with stridor in my kit, or simply rely more on footsteps. I don't mind these nefed add-ons, because the recovery speed add-ons are the best option for her if you want to use any at all. Also the new prayer beads is really interesting. It's effect will give you map pressure when in chase. So overall the Spirit still will be my SWF group destroyer, and this patch won't stop me from doing so.
New prayer beads Is also a clear bluff breaker against SWFs. I mean, any group bigger than 1 with coms. Otherwise I don't have any strong opinions on new changes. Except that amulet nerf gonna bake that add-on a piling up garbage due to too stiff penalty.
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She will probably be fine unlike Nurse.
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How could it be a bluff breaker? Before you heard nothing and nobody knew she was coming. Now all hear a sound, but still nobody knows where she is going. Still the same outcome for survivors, just if theyre cautious enough they wont get grabbed for free (which was why it was changed, cause it was a free grab for killers), even though you could have gentapped before to minimize a free grab. Also to be absolutely safe now, you have to let loose of the gen, which is time stall for the killer, if all survs on the map stop doing anything to hide.
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Nurse is still fine, unlike youre just trying to chainblink to death like before.
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In chase. If you start phasing person gonna know that, because he will be told that you do (by coms at least).
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Thats doesnt differ from the actual way, cause nobody knows where she is phasing. Obviously its better for her, cause she can mindgame them assuming she is an a chase, while she is going for someone else on a gen.
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Aaah, whole hate around spirit is actually because no one can tell if she's phasing or not in CHASES.
Like, what? Using prayer beads to M1 people at 110% speed???
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Shes not really ok no..the devs failed this one
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Opening this post I had no idea what the topic was going to be, just that I'd agree.
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Im also fine with the power changes. Collision removed: perfect. Vault animation: yep seems fine as it was the only killer without that for no real reason. Adjusting post phase speed: actually no idea how this will look like. Just guessing it might be fair.
But I'm not fine with the addon changes. Prayer Beads of course needed a change. Peekaboo Myers hits you when you don't watch out. Peekaboo Spirit hooks you when you sit on a gen. But why did the other addons need a change?? I never heard anyone complain about the Yakuyoke amulet. Why for gods sake do we need a "tradeoff" on every rare and ultra rare now? Most of the new chapter killer addons have tradeoffs now and make them pretty weak. Do we have to fear about all purple and pink addons being reworked now, adding a devastating tradeoff? Wraith, Billy, Doc, Trapper, Clown... none of the addons have drawbacks and noone complains about. And before someone says "eposed Clown bottles I wanna complain about": There is this 'uncommon' addon that applies the exhaustion effect. Most people hate this one more than the pink one.
The Yakuyoke amulet now applied the Legion Frenzy nerf to the Hauting. Yay. And I'm not sure about how the new post phasing will behave, but the Katana Tsuba wasn't even that noticeable when running alone, now you need to combine it with the Wakizashi Saya, because the purple addon is as weak as the previous green addon. The combination of both was pretty fun to use before. Sure strong, but not overpowered. And a purple and green addon stacking should be a good boost. I will try it, but I'm pretty sure that I will not play these addons after the change anymore. There are brown addons helping out more than that.
To summarize, I'm pretty happy they take a look and respond to community feedback. The spirit needed changes and they didn't overcharge on the power. But I don't get why they still do more than needed. Not as bad as the Legion tear down, but I will really miss the amulet and weapon addons :'(
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The power changes and the change to some addons were reasonable. More than half the addon changes were uncessary. But the biggest issue at hand is that a significant amount of you seem to forget how Behavior operates.
Remember back when they were talking about how they were going to balance the nurse? "Don't worry, we'll be primarily focusing on her addons". Then BAM now you can evade the Nurse by simply running in a straight line.
Admittedly, the Spirit will still be high viable if they only change her as they listed, but I'd be willing to wager $20 that the changes definitely won't be what's listed.
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SWF-A is being chased by Spirit. SWF-B is working on a gen. SWF-B hears the vacuum and tells SWF-A she is phasing.
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No they're not. People are tired of the devs nerfing killers and not bothering to fix other aspects of the game. The Doctor was next but instead we get Spirit changes because people complain that much and for some reason the devs listen? But when people complain about gen times we are ignored for 3 years and told "just play survior or civilization" these devs are ridiculous.
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If devs only started to buff weak things like perks or killers...
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It is funny that there is this downspiral of nerfing. Have you seen videos on old mechanics? Like Botany Knowledge and Spine chill sufficient to heal in chase? No entity blocking the windows? Always fast vaults out of standing near a window while killers vaulted at half speed as now?
Survivors got nerfed several times and it was totally necessary because there was no way to do anything against it. Now the killers getting nerfed multiple times. I wonder if it can get down for an unlimited time, of if there will be times when buffs to survivor and killer side will be a thing again XD
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Good to see a killer that understands