is it just me or...

are people suiciding on hooks more often now?
i mean i can understand it if the killer has instant-transmission levels of lag (console player btw) but if the killer just out played you doesn't mean you should just give up the difference between 4 survivors and 3 is quite large and more often than not one of the survivors is running borrowed time.
Rank reset, for some reason even people who were rank 4 before the reset always act like vegetables
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Well it´s an easy way to end the match but avoid a dc.
If they will ever start punishing dc´s, this will become even more common.
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also archives come into play if you only need to lets say drop 1-2 pallets to complete you do it and leave so u can pick next challenge.
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Only time I do is bad lag or tunneling and camping killers. Just no fun to play against.