Disconnecting Players and more....


So, having played the game for quite a while there seems to be a real common theme amongst players of whom I have talked to.

  1. Disconnecting players. Yes, some people have bad connections, probably playing on a shared connection etc, well... This shouldn't be the other players issue... We are shoved out of the game and have to rejoin the back of the queue. There needs to be a penalty for leaving matches and/or disconnects. It simply isn't fair on others because someone has a poor connection or rage quits because they get mad.
  2. I've played a lot of both sides, but I do think some of the killer perks coupled with a huge speed bonus are a bit eccentric. Especially for newer players. I have joined as a killer, pretty perked out and honestly, they were so outmatched I didn't even have to try. The game is very unbalanced for survivors especially when the matching system in place doesn't really work very well... Having level 1 chars with no perks vsing a 4 purple perk killer who it might even seem to them that they are cheating as they have all these auras going off...
  3. I would be very interested as to the ratio of people playing killers too. 26k people are showing just on steam but I would guess 20k of those are killers. Maybe put in a system where you can't just run killer 24/7 and have to actually man up, get over your fears and play as survivor.
  4. Recently cross platform was enabled. This is great however there is one issue that a lot of people want ammended. Either a global accounting system to connect with friends via xbox game pass/console and steam. Perhaps even a in-game friends list so you can play via xbox pass and steam with friends.

If anyone wants to comment please, keep it constructive and don't bring your "get good" attitudes here.

Also, what is the point of the reporting system for players who intentionally wreck the game either as survivor or camping as a killer? This is silly, i've seen survivors purposely screw the generators to alert the killer then run around like a goose luring them onto other team mates to killers just hanging people one by one and camping corpses to the point that maybe they lose 1 generator in that time but they rinse and repeat... Just some thoughts...


  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383

    "Finally, this test gives us an opportunity to test the upcoming disconnection handling system, which allows us to better punish people who disconnect excessively. We want to make sure that disconnects are being tracked accurately so players aren’t wrongly timed out, and to do so, we need to leave dedicated servers enabled in order to test the new detection. In case you missed it, you can find the details of this system here:"

    Also cross-platform is only between Window Store and Steam