Your horror (not) guilty pleasures
As in films that whilst critics, the fake news media and sacred Youtubers may regard as awful...and you still like.
A few spring to mind.
Puppet Master 2.
Friday 13th part VIII: Jason Takes Manhattan.
Maniac Cop 1 & 2.
Halloween 4: The Return Of Michael Myers.
Halloween (2007).
A Nightmare On Elm Street (2010).
Jaws: The Revenge.
Post edited by Dr_Loomis on
Ok, completely off topic but a super underrated movie I enjoyed was Splinter.
Now, a bit more on topic, a movie that I definitely think is not that good yet I still enjoy is Return of the living Dead part 2. I think the main reason why it's so poo-poo'd on is because it basically goes full comedy as compared to the first.