What are some perks you recommend for solo survivors?

i can't play with my friends cuz they're all on ps4 which is i majorly want them to add crossplay, back to the topic what are some spicy perks that will help my solo gameplay.
i found deliverance to be a nice perk cuz i can never rely on 3 randoms with different thoughts:
"i'll just sit on this gen hoping someone will go unhook"
"i'm getting chased and i can't save"
"lemme just chill in the basement and search the chest"
i would use bond but the aura read is a bit short
Bond is amazing for Solos, it helps you to be efficient. And 36 meters is still a lot, you see when someone is chased nearby, if someone is sitting on a Gen to help or if another person is already going for the Unhook.
Also, aside from obvious choices like DS (which should be taken everytime, there will always be the situation where you get farmed or where you are simply outpositioned after the Unhook), Windows of Opportunity is not bad at all. But the Aura Read is too small with only 20 meters, but overall this Perk can help to see which Pallets are still available for you (but it is really niche).
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Bond and Aftercore are strong
Selfcare + Botany Knowledge to become the healer of the team. Old healing times are great, not just for yourself.
DS and BT cause you never know
Empathy and Lightweight for stealthy genrush
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Dead Hard, Inner Strength, Empathy, Urban Evasion or Iron Will
Never get caught again.
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I feel DS is a must have to protect yourself from tunneling.
Im using Deliverance, DS, BT and IW.
Bond is very good perk, but the amount of stupidity you witness by using that perk makes your head explode and question the humanity.
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I think We'll male it is a must.
I always run DS to give my team more time to do gens if I get tunneled.
Dead Hard to make the chases take a little longer and also give my team more time to do gens.
I save the fourth slot to run whatever perk I might find useful; bond, balanced landing, BT, Prove thyself, etc. It's the only slot I change every match.
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Inner Strength is Self Care 2.0
It's pretty good and it ignores status effects such as Sloppy Butcher. 🤗
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Inner Strength. Bond. Iron Will. Spine Chill. All of those are great in my opinion.
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I think Empathy is an amazing perk for survivor. As opposed to bond, you can see if an injured survivor is running from something, aka the killer. It's a budget OoO without a downside. And if you decide that you want to be the team medic, it makes your job a whole lot easier.
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My solo survivor build is Balanced Landing, Resilience, Botany Knowledge, Empathy and a medkit. I run the killer around ledges, use Resilence to abuse jungle gyms and vaults, botany knowledge to get altruism done faster, and Empathy for detection and points. Medkit is for self heals.
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Bond, quick and quiet, and head on. One good head on play and you won the match no matter what the outcome is :)
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You can never go wrong with Spine Chill (best killer avoidance perk) and Bond (best healing and co-op perk).
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I use bond, DS, spine chill and the fourth perk is some exhaustion perk.
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give my team more time to do gens
Everytime I run bond or empathy and I loop the killer, potatoes just sit around doing absolutely jack ######### until I'm downed. What's this trend of watching chases happen only to give the killers free hits once he carries me to the hook and then go for unsafe unhooks?
Or me taking a hit for another survivor only for them to stop and stand still as if everything was alright. Bond makes you see things you wish you didn't 9 times out of 10.
Edit: If you run across the map to self care after every hit you might aswell just go afk at the start of the round. When I get chased for 2 minutes and not a single gen pops I seriously wonder what these people are doing.
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Bond, Aftercare to let the randoms know you're on a gen or in a chase, kindred, iron will, decisive strike.
Oh and adrenaline. Works well with kindred. I've gotten a lot of face camp DCs once the team works together to get me off the hook.
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I'm on the green/purple/red ranks and I rarely see this. But since rank reset I've played with a few yellow ranks that seem to have no clue what they're doing.
Honestly, I find that pipping as survivor is not complicated, you don't need to escape and once I reach the purple ranks I rarely play with potatoes.
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+1, maybe bring a medkit instead of inner strength, but still nice.
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I use Left Behind, Self Care, Exhaustion Perk, DS/Kindred
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I've been rank 5 before the reset, now I'm on 14 and it's seriously bad.
But when I was on 5 I've still had people play like potatoes, which left me wondering how the hell they ever got past green ranks.
For real tho. I almost always am the last guy alive. When 2 guys are dead I find myself constantly saving my remaining teammate only for him to run exactly in the killers direction, or barely hiding around the hook to self care while not realizing that the killer is already next to them again.
How do people find it so difficult to hide effectively, or atleast run to windows/pallets.
Having regular bruhh moments right now.
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I like to run Sprint Burst (cause Dead Hard is trash now), Iron Will, Inner Strength, and Adrenaline. All I do is run solo and these help big time
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Sometimes you get matched with a purple or red rank survivor playing swf with his rank 15 friends and that's when things don't that well for me.
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Inner strength
Iron will
Spine chill
botany (with med kit)
Any exhaustaion perk see below.
Lithe is good and can be paired with dance with me for losing the killer a bit easier.
Balanced landing is good and stops the stagger from any drop even if exhausted. Amazing on some maps but with other it a bit situational.
Dead hard is great for gaining an extra loop or reaching that pallet.
Head on is fun but again it's situational. Imo it works far better in an SWF.
I wouldn't use sprint burst as you lose more time overall trying to keep it for certain situations than it gains.
Quick and quiet
Decisive strike
There are many to chose from, play around and see which ones suit you 😉.
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Just use the most meta tryhard perks if you're playing solo:
Dead Hard, Borrowed Time, Decisive Strike, and [4th perk slot].
The fourth perk can be whatever. I like using Spine Chill, Unbreakable, We'll Make It, or Iron Will.
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I have a personal rule where i have to use two teachable perks from the survivor I'm currently playing, so I use a different build for each survivor. Any build can be useful in solo as long as you adapt your playstyle to the build. That being said...
Lithe + Dance With Me = free escape as long as you can break LoS within a few seconds of vaulting. Add Quick & Quiet for even more "where did they go, George?" moments.
Bond or Empathy. Personally I prefer Bond, but Empathy is better in some ways.
Kindred is great for solo play, though even with Kindred I've watched 2 survivors do gens while the third is chased and I'm dying on the hook.
DS as others have said.
Better Together is AMAZING for solo play. Not only do you get more helpers while you're repairing, smart survivors will know to avoid your gen during a chase. The knockdown reveal is also very useful, because you know who will be closest to the hook for a rescue.
If you don't take Bond or Empathy, Inner Strength is excellent for healing yourself. Just make sure to activate it BEFORE you're injured.
Spine Chill is very underrated, especially now with multiple killers that cause the Oblivious effect. It's especially good against Ghostface.
I still say BL is the best exhaustion perk, what with the stagger reduction even when you're exhausted. Lithe is better on some maps, of course.
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Quick and Quiet
Iron Will
Head on
Dance with me