New killer concept: The Drummer (Voodoo style killer)

JSL18 Member Posts: 9

The Drummer

Name: Azakka

Gender: Male

Nationality: Haitian

Realm: BackWater Swamp

Power: Drum of Azakka

Weapon: The DrumBeat

Speed: 115% | 4.6 m/s

Terror Radius: 32 Meters

Height: Normal

Appearance: A voodoo styled killer with a human skull mask and lots of bones around the costume, he will be carrying a large ancestrial drum in his left hand and a bloody drumstick with feathers attached to the handle.


Azakka was on the verge of reaching out to the after life using his newly discovered Voodoo when something went wrong, he meant to reach out to his past relatives but ended up reaching out to something much different.. some kind of Entity he could not explain. Once the fog cleared from his hut he didnt recognize where he was, everything looked the same but something was off.

Power: Using the drum of Azakka he has the ability to call upon the spirits of his ancestors to create a ghost of himself to cut off survivors. When he plays the drum Azakka has 8 seconds to create a path that his ghost will travel on. The ghost moves at 120% movement speed on a repeating cycle along the created path, the ghost will have collision and will damage any survivor that comes into contact with it. The ghost will remain active until either Azakka creates a new ghost, or the active ghosts puts a survivor into the dying state. While playing Azakkas drum the survivors within his terror radius will suffer from the deafening status effect. Azakka will move at 110% when playing his drum and can only create a new ghost every 20 seconds.

Add ons:


Ancient Feather: Grant's the ability to create 1 extra clone at all times

Ancestrial Drum stick: Azakkas power has no cool down, allows him to create ghosts without recharging power.


Drown them out: Any survivor that remains in the basement for 15/12/10 Seconds will begin to have a bleed out timer and will not be able to mend in the basement.

Ancestrial Memory: Anytime you swing and miss a survivor during a chase gain a 10/15/20% speed boost for 8 seconds

Cursed Blow: When you down a survivor any survivor within 12/14/16 Meters of the downed survivor will not be able to use their items.


  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    Ability: I can't tell how strong this is because I don't know a few details. How many ghosts are on the map at any given time? I'm assuming only one. Does the ghost have collision with the killer as well? This could create really cool mind games.

    Drown Them Out: Don't think this is that strong. I don't know how you would buff it. I don't think it should work while the killer is in the basement incase the killer is camping.

    Ancestrial Memory: Extremely strong. Bring unrelenting and deliberately miss your first hit, you'll destroy teams with ease. Maybe 2/3/4% speed for 8 seconds after missing a hit. Has a 60 second cooldown.

    Cursed Blow: Really good against flashlight survivors and would have been good against instaheal survivors before the nerf. Survivors shouldn't be able to use their item for 10/20/30 seconds.

  • Critical_Fish
    Critical_Fish Member Posts: 618

    A couple questions about the power, can the Killer make the path? How long can the path be?

    Drown Them Out is cool, but how long is the bleed out timer?

    Ancestral Memory should give a 2% boost in speed and only be able to be used once every 100/80/60 seconds.

    Cursed Blow is a great concept, but maybe instead it applies 1 random negative effect for 60 seconds?

  • JSL18
    JSL18 Member Posts: 9

    Yeah the killer will create the path kinda like how the spirit travels then the ghost will move on that path, while doing this he cannot swing but can still injure survivors by touching them. The path will be how far the killer chooses to go in the time his power is activated, there could be addons to help with movement speed and duration of power.

    I agree the ancestrial memory might have to be balanced out so it's not overpowered haha I like your idea for it being a timed usage perk, it would make the plays harder to perform.